Hi all,
My problem is this:
When I drag and drop Hypersonic from the Inspector>Devices, the Outs 1+2, 3+4, 5+6, etc. are created, together with MIDI 1-16. Fine so far.
I choose the sounds/patches I want into Hypersonic mulitimbral load slots, I assign outputs and all works fine, the sounds are using the right outs and so on so forth. I record/paint some midi notes on the midi tracks and the song/arrangement comes to life. Happy so far.
The issue is I couln’t find a way to render the individual sounds/instruments to audio files for mixing, and this obviously forces me to only work on “virtual audio” on the coresponding audio tracks (the outs created). Even though Hypersonic is rather low on CPU (all 16 pathes loaded does not take it more than 60%, on Podium Free – one processor) still it is not enough CPU left for adding all the other vst needed for mixing. Not only that, but it is inconvenient to not have at all audio files in the project – alot of editing is limited or impossible all together.
The only workaround to render is to solo the MIDI and coresponding audio track for the respective instrument, render the master and then move bounced audio to a new track.
Is this the only way? I could live with it, but it is rather tedious process…. Am I doing something wrong or did I not realized something right under my eyes?
Any ideas?
I have to say I really like Podium! 😉
By enableing realtime record bouncing on the output track, then arm bounce recording, then arm recording on the track, then recording, then stop record then press B on the track, there it is! The audio wave of the rendered output.
So, if someone else wondered the same as me, I hope this is helpful. It sure made me happy again! Probably was silly not realizing this in the first place, but actually I didn’t use Hypersonic before as a multitimbral, so didn’t really have to try all this procedure. Anyway, nice nice!
@adimatis wrote:
The only workaround to render is to solo the MIDI and coresponding audio track for the respective instrument, render the master and then move bounced audio to a new track.
You shouldn’t need to bounce the master track – in this setup it should be possible to bounce the individual track as long as the corresponding MIDI track is solo’d.
It’s also possible to edit your Hypersonic device mappings so that one MIDI channel input and audio output each are on the same track as opposed to being seperate tracks like the default device mapping creates.
This doesn’t help all that much if you want to edit the resulting audio sequence, though, as you still have to move it off the bounce track. :-k
Edit: I was just looking for an earlier tutorial on this, and look what I found! 🙂 I’ll be glad to try and explain it better this time if you’d like. (http://www.zynewave.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2777)
Yeah, I even forgot I have actually tried this before! ;):) Age I guess. He he.
Anyway, I’d still like to know how to configure Hypersonic in such a way that audio and MIDI are on the same track.
One of the issues I have withPodium is that I can not select multiple tracks to rec arm them, or to mute, or to minimize and so on. So, having less tracks would be helpful. Having MIDI and audio in the same one even more so.
Can give me a clue?
If your multitimbral setup inside hypersonic always routes each midi-channel to its own stereo output, then you can ignore the 16 MIDI mappings, and modify the stereo out mappings to use the proper MIDI channel:
Open the Out 3+4 mapping properties and increase MIDI output channel to 2.
Open the 5+6 mapping and increase to 3.
Then you just drag the stereo out mappings to tracks, and they will behave as if each track is an insert plugin. Double click the timeline to place note sequences, bounce the track to only bounce the output of that MIDI channel.
Frits, thank you so much!
It works, perfectly, MIDI+audio on the same track, as well as the bounce for the respective individual tracks.
You’re great! Thanks again!
OK, glad you got got it sorted! I just wanted to apologize that I wasn’t able to reply earlier… 😳
No worries, I appreciate the intention! 🙂
Frits was very helpful, it all works nicely now…