
- Podium licensees with an active upgrade period can download a new bonus plugin zip file from their account page. This includes a licensed full version of the Tone2 Warmverb multi-effect VST plugin (both x86 and x64). Tone2 are kindly offering this as a gift for Zynewave Podium licensees, representing a value of US$65.
- Changed the default installation path for the bundled zPlugins to the Steinberg recommended “VST2” subfolder in the Common Files system folder. This makes it easier to use the zPlugins in other hosts. Previously the default installation path was a subfolder of the Podium installation folder. Users that upgrade from a previous Podium version may need to add the VST2 path to the VST scan folders in the Podium preferences.
- Updated the ReWire.dll support libraries bundled in the Podium installer to the latest ReWire 2.6.4 version.
- The Audio/MIDI dialog shows an error message if a MIDI interface is selected as both a MIDI device and a control surface.
- Fix: Check for disconnected USB MIDI interfaces was not done properly on Podium startup. An error dialog will appear on startup if any interfaces have become unavailable.