Topic: 1.61

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  • #867
    • Stickie notes can now also be attached to tracks. There is a new stickie note button next to the properties button in the track inspector.
    • Hovering the mouse over a stickie note button will show a popup of the note. Editing the note is still done in the stickie note window.
    • Pressing Alt+N will open the stickie note window for the focus track. Pressing Escape with focus in the stickie window will close the window.
    • Reorganized the browser page menus so that the previous New and Edit menus are joined into one Edit menu. Added a ‘Setup’ menu button to the editor toolbars, so that the default menu structure in the editors matches the browser page menus.
    • Added a ‘select all from cursor’ command to the edit menu.
    • Exporting a segment of a sound will use the filename instead of the sound object name when writing the wave name inside the wave file.
    • Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.
    • Fix: Crash could occur if a plugin returned a bank preset size of zero.

    Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.

    Thank you for this!! πŸ˜›


    # Added a ‘select all from cursor’ command to the edit menu.

    # Exporting a segment of a sound will use the filename instead of the sound object name when writing the wave name inside the wave file.

    # Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.

    Thank you very much, Frits πŸ™‚


    @Zynewave wrote:

    • Stickie notes can now also be attached to tracks. There is a new stickie note button next to the properties button in the track inspector.

    I always mess around and later can not find the “good” tracks any more…

    thanks Frits, this will help me to get my things done


    Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.

    It doesn’t work also for normal muted tracks ?


    yay sticky notes look well useful


    @acousmod wrote:

    Audio tracks that are muted by a parent bounce track no longer streams in the background. This reduces disk usage at the cost of short delay before tracks start playing again when unmuted.

    It doesn’t work also for normal muted tracks ?

    No. If it did there would be a noticeable delay when toggling mute and solo of tracks, which is not desirable during monitoring and mixing.


    Could we have the choice (option) ?
    It is not a problem during editing.
    As I have said, I use a lot the muted tracks to replace a mute event feature, so it will be a grat benefit to be able to have the tracks really not active.

    For me, the fact that the envelopes are not updated when I unmute a track is a far more annoying thing.
    I must always stop / restart when I unmute a track !


    Nice update Frits. πŸ˜‰

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