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Thank you, sir!
Yes indeed, thank you kindly π
Very nice for the first fade version ! The dream becomes true π
There is a little problem when splitting an event which has some fades settings : the begining of the second part have the same fades as the first part and the end of the firts one the same as the second one.
It is a really annoying behaviour…
Perhaps is this made on purpose ?
If you think that it can be useful in some case, could you make it an option please ?
There is also a bug : when I resize an event, the length of the fade out changes !
It is shorter when the event is long and longer when it is short π―
For example :
– the event is 60 seconds long
– I make a 10 seconds fade out
– I shorten the event to 20 seconds by dragging the right handle
– the fade is longer on the timeline (about 15 seconds)
– the numeric fade value is always 10 seconds but it lasts more
Or try to drag the right handle of an event : the fade out becomes shorter and disapears.
On the other hand, the fade in is stable.
Two small requests :
– can you make the lines visible also when the mouse is not over the events ?
– can you allow to drag also the vertical lines (not only the fade handles), like for the level line ?
A question : the fade edition actually doesn’t allow to draw an “inverse S curve”.
In other words, the top part of the curve cannot be negative, and the bottom part cannot be positive.
It is sometimes useful.
And I suppose that the drawn amplitude will reflect the fades and levels settings in a future version ?
Thank a lot for your great work !
There is a little problem when splitting an event which has some fades settings : the begining of the second part have the same fades as the first part and the end of the firts one the same as the second one.
It is a really annoying behaviour…
Perhaps is this made on purpose ?
If you think that it can be useful in some case, could you make it an option please ?
Currently when splitting an event, the two new events are assigned the same fade-in/out settings as the original event. Would you prefer that a split should always set fade-in/out to zero, or would you want the possibility to define the default fade times for splitting?
There is also a bug : when I resize an event, the length of the fade out changes !
Do you have any tempo changes on the timeline?
can you make the lines visible also when the mouse is not over the events ?
The fade curve or the vertical fade-in/out handle lines?
can you allow to drag also the vertical lines (not only the fade handles), like for the level line ?
I have not done this, because I think it can make it difficult to drag the event. If the event is zoomed in at about 10-20 pixels width, the drag handles will cover the entire area and you will not be able to click at the middle of the event to drag it.
A question : the fade edition actually doesn’t allow to draw an “inverse S curve”.
In other words, the top part of the curve cannot be negative, and the bottom part cannot be positive.
It is sometimes useful.
This would require an additional 4 coordinate parameters in the fade properties. I did not add these because I wanted to keep the fade-in/out editing simple.
And I suppose that the drawn amplitude will reflect the fades and levels settings in a future version ?
Would it be sufficient if the waveform within the fade-in/out range is scaled linearly nomatter the shape of the fade curve? If the waveform should reflect the spline fade-in/out it will require a substantial amount of CPU to draw.
Thank you very much, Frits, it’s a great update.
I have two ‘Event Fade Properties’ dialog opinions:
1. Fade in/out curve can be edited with a mouse, but curve graphs is not updated in realtime when changing time/curve parameters – need to click on the graph to see curve changes. That’s wrong IMO.
2. (Not important, but very useful) – look at the curve parameters. We can enter a number form keyboard or use up/down arrow buttons to increase/decrease it. Can you please add that little middle button between up and down arrow buttons, you can click on it and then just drag mouse up or down to increase/decrease the number? (Sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me π³ )
@acousmod wrote:
– can you make the lines visible also when the mouse is not over the events ?
Maybe that should be optional, like the audiometers on tracks? Always show lines, or only when mouse is over…
thanks for the new update, Frits
Currently when splitting an event, the two new events are assigned the same fade-in/out settings as the original event. Would you prefer that a split should always set fade-in/out to zero, or would you want the possibility to define the default fade times for splitting?
For me a zero fade will be good, but an option to set a default value can perhaps be useful.
Do you have any tempo changes on the timeline?
Absolutely not.
Cannot you reproduce it ?
The fade curve or the vertical fade-in/out handle lines?
The fade curves and the horizontal line.
Even when the waveform will reflect the sound amplitude, it is important to know at a glance if it is the original amplitude or if it is due to an event setting.
Like Max says, it would be nice if it is a global option.
I have not done this, because I think it can make it difficult to drag the event. If the event is zoomed in at about 10-20 pixels width, the drag handles will cover the entire area and you will not be able to click at the middle of the event to drag it.
I’ve understood.
But my suggestion was to allow ALSO to drag the vertical lines, not to replace the handles.
In most situations, it is easier to drag the fade than pointing to the little handle. People will use what they prefer.
Would it be sufficient if the waveform within the fade-in/out range is scaled linearly nomatter the shape of the fade curve? If the waveform should reflect the spline fade-in/out it will require a substantial amount of CPU to draw.
I suppose that it can be enough for me. The most important is the overal amplitude. But it will not be very “pro” for Podium…
I don’t know how it is done in the other DAWs. The amplitude always reflects the fade curves and it doesn’t seem to use some special CPU power.
Do you mean that it will use more CPU while editing (which I understand and is not a problem) or while playing (which would be strange and annoying) ?
Double-clicking the fade in/out handles or the gain bar will open the Event Fade Properties dialog with focus set to the corresponding value edit field.
I like the simplicity of the double click to open the fade editor, but it would be even more easy and intuitive to be able to double click directly on the fade zone instead of only the little handles.
If we double click somewhere between the fades it is the sound editor window, and if we click inside a fade it is the fade editor which opens.
Can you please add that little middle button between up and down arrow buttons, you can click on it and then just drag mouse up or down to increase/decrease the number?
Or just allow to clic and drag the numeric value to change it (the Logic audio way…) ?
@Max wrote:
1. Fade in/out curve can be edited with a mouse, but curve graphs is not updated in realtime when changing time/curve parameters – need to click on the graph to see curve changes. That’s wrong IMO.
The curve is updated as soon as you tab away from the value input field. You can also click and drag horizontally in the upper and lower halfs of the curve graphs to edit the curve values.
@acousmod wrote:
Do you have any tempo changes on the timeline?
Absolutely not.
Cannot you reproduce it ?
No. Please email me your project file.
Do you mean that it will use more CPU while editing (which I understand and is not a problem) or while playing (which would be strange and annoying) ?
It will require more CPU power to draw the graphics. So zooming may become slower if the waveform should be scaled to the fade spline curves. A linear fade in/out is easy to implement and will not use much CPU power.
@acousmod wrote:
I like the simplicity of the double click to open the fade editor, but it would be even more easy and intuitive to be able to double click directly on the fade zone instead of only the little handles.
If we double click somewhere between the fades it is the sound editor window, and if we click inside a fade it is the fade editor which opens.
If the fade out starts immediately after the fade-in you would not be able to double-click to open the sound editor.
Please email me your project file.
I’ve tried on another computer with another project : same behaviour.
If the fade out starts immediately after the fade-in you would not be able to double-click to open the sound editor.
So an option in the Preferences could make happy people who make a fade out just after the fade in and who want to edit the event with a double click rather than pressing Enter or right clicking… π
@Zynewave wrote:
@Max wrote:
1. Fade in/out curve can be edited with a mouse, but curve graphs is not updated in realtime when changing time/curve parameters – need to click on the graph to see curve changes. That’s wrong IMO.
The curve is updated as soon as you tab away from the value input field. You can also click and drag horizontally in the upper and lower halfs of the curve graphs to edit the curve values.