Topic: 1.87

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  • #1297
    • Clicking on the map, preset, param and input rows in the mixer will show a shortcut menu with all available objects. This makes it possible to manage tracks in the mixer without having to use the track inspector. The objects shown in the map shortcut menu will depend on the track type, i.e. audio outputs are only shown for master tracks and instruments are not shown for effect tracks.
    • Moving the mouse in the mixer will highlight the clickable control under the mouse.
    • Bounce tracks now show the B button in the mixer header if the strip is hidden.
    • Fix: Changes introduced in 1.86 would cause Podium to crash on startup if a separate arrangement editor window was open when last exiting Podium.
    • Fix: Unassigning a plugin library preset from a track would not update the plugin properly if the same preset was reassigned later on.

    Clicking on the map, preset, param and input rows in the mixer will show a shortcut menu with all available objects. This makes it possible to manage tracks in the mixer without having to use the track inspector. The objects shown in the map shortcut menu will depend on the track type, i.e. audio outputs are only shown for master tracks and instruments are not shown for effect tracks.

    Wow! This is a great feature! The mixer finally gets a really powerful tool in Podium.. Good work Frits! 8)


    What a great release! I love it! Thanks! πŸ˜€


    It is even easier to use the mixer now. Thanks!

    I think you might have missed something on the 1.87 feature list…is it just me or are the pan dials just that bit bigger and as a result much more legible than before in the mixer and possibly the track inspector as well? ❓ ❓ ❓

    Or is it just my imagination πŸ™‚


    Or is it just my imagination

    That it is. πŸ™‚

    The new send dials shown in the header are slightly smaller than the old send dials. This may make the pan dials appear bigger in comparison.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Or is it just my imagination

    That it is. πŸ™‚

    The new send dials shown in the header are slightly smaller than the old send dials. This may make the pan dials appear bigger in comparison.

    Serves me right for downloading the latest update so late at night! LOL!

    It has been a long day πŸ™‚


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