Topic: 2.10

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  • #1852
    • Context help for the UI control under the mouse cursor can now be shown in a docked help panel below the inspector or list page. The help panel can be toggled with the “Docked help” option in the Help menu.
    • The tempo event properties dialog now has controls for setting up a scale. There is a combobox for selecting among common scale types, a combobox for selecting the tonic, 12 note buttons for setting up a custom scale and a text field for editing the scale name. Tempo events configured with a scale will show the scale name on the tempo event lane.
    • The timeline background of the piano roll editor will highlight notes for any scales defined in tempo events in the arrangement. This feature can be toggled with the “highlight scale” option in the piano roll properties dialog.
    • A new “find matching scale” command is included in the piano roll edit menu and context menu, if at least two different notes are selected. The command will open a dialog showing best scale matches, with options for applying the scale to a tempo event in the arrangement.
    • Added “editor mouse snap mode” setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “grid line closest to cursor” and “start of grid unit under cursor”.
    • Creating a new plugin parameter track from the inspector parameter panel or the track context menu, will also create a curve sequence on the track. The current plugin parameter value is set as the starting point in the curve sequence.
    • The “delete oldest take when maximum take tracks is reached” option now splits old takes that extend beyond the recording range.
    • Added “draw notes with shadow effect” option to the drum map region properties.
    • Added “drum map region properties” shortcut to the drum map right-click menu.
    • Added “bypass processing when detecting CPU overload” option to preferences. Disabling this option can result in smoother playback, but with a slower UI response when CPU overload occurs. The option is by default off. Previous Podium versions always bypassed processing when detecting CPU overload.
    • Updated the Podium Guide PDF file included in the installer.

    thanks Frits 🙂


    Awesome, I always wanted have a sequencer with the good points of Temper piano roll and now I have it!


    edit: wiki updated


    Thanks 😀


    Mini unconsisntent behaviour with snapping to grid unit under cursor: when you do a selection with Select tool, when you drag backwards it does nice, but when you drag foward:

    I’ve the cursor where is the red dot:

    Best regards 🙂

    Mike G

    When i hover over [M] [R] buttons on my track in arrangement or mixer there is no “popup” or “Panel” help displayed.
    The same options however do have help when hovered from within the track inspector.
    Gain and pan controls have no popup help anywhere.

    Mike g

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