Topic: 2.11

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  • #1865
    • Added “Online Help” option to the Help menu. When this option is enabled all Podium dialog boxes will show a Help button at the lower left corner. Clicking this help button or pressing the Alt+H key shortcut will open the corresponding Podium guide page on the Zynewave wiki website.
    • The “online help” option also enables the use of Shift+F1 for opening wiki help. When you want to read extended help for a specific UI feature, just hover the mouse over the control/editor and press Shift+F1.
    • Revised the layout of all dialog boxes to get a more consistent appearance.
    • Updated all dialog box screenshots in the Podium guide.
    • Typing in the edit controls in the sound event properties dialog will update the preview display in realtime. Previously the preview would only update after tabbing out of the edit control.
    • Added right-click menu to the play and record buttons in the transport toolbar. There are shortcuts to a couple of the options on the play/record page in the preferences dialog, as well as a command for opening the play/record page in the preferences dialog.
    • Fix: Crash could occur when deleting a parameter track which contained events currently shown in an open curve editor.
    • Fix: Offline bouncing could produce wrong output when multiple curve sequence events were placed on the same parameter track.

    I was using 2.10 this morning (in Aus land anyway!) and now I just installed 2.11 and it crashes on startup. Ouch! 😛

    @podium.exe wrote:

    AppName: podium.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
    ModVer: 5.1.2600.5512 Offset: 0000100b

    I haven’t gone back to 2.10 to see if it will crash now too, but I doubt it, and I’m busy so I will try it later if this hasn’t been caught and fixed already.


    @druid wrote:

    I was using 2.10 this morning (in Aus land anyway!) and now I just installed 2.11 and it crashes on startup. Ouch! 😛

    @podium.exe wrote:

    AppName: podium.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
    ModVer: 5.1.2600.5512 Offset: 0000100b

    I haven’t gone back to 2.10 to see if it will crash now too, but I doubt it, and I’m busy so I will try it later if this hasn’t been caught and fixed already.

    Ouch. I don’t get any crash on my system. Does the main window appear before the crash?

    Try deleting your Podium.ini file (make a backup of the file first), and see if this makes Podium start without crashing.


    First, to answer, then some new information.

    No, I get no window at all. I click on it and within a second it just brings up the crash window. When I click for detailed error info, it says what I quoted. I can also click on more detail and it has all this hexadecimal stuff but I have no idea how to copy/paste it (can’t be selected in the window) nor if it’s any use to you. Renaming podium.ini to podium.fini and podium.ini.back did not work (just to make sure it really wasn’t reading it :P).

    Extra info:

    When I select run Podium after install, it just does nothing. I noticed msiexec.exe or something like that running in my processes, and I don’t believe that is usually running, but I might be wrong… Nothing else looks out of the ordinary.

    Now, here’s something weird. I decided to reinstall 2.10. Usually I do not uninstall the previous version before installing the next (since it has worked before). This time, I did not uninstall 2.11, and installed 2.10 over the top. I told it to run after install, and it crashes with some illegal exception 5 error or something. I then ran it manually … same crash! Weird, I thought. So I restarted my computer… And it still crashed!

    I decided to be more thorough. I uninstalled 2.10 and 2.11 (what I mean is, they were the same folder, but there were two entries in add/remove, so I removed both). Made sure nothing was left in folders, if they even existed. Nope. Installed 2.10… and it works. Installed 2.11 again .. same crash! Installed 2.10 (over the top again) – same crash!

    So, if I install 2.11, it crashes. If I install 2.10 over the top, 2.10 crashes as well. I could try 2.09 and 2.08 etc over the top as well, if you were curious :P. But, if I remove it all, install 2.10 fresh, it works. I have not put back in my podium.ini at all since trying these things.

    I doubt it will make a difference, but something else I noticed is when I press close on the crash window, Instead of vanishing completely and instantly, the two sides vanish, like there’s some setup for another window in a square shape within that window. If that’s too confusing, don’t worry about it, it’s probably not going to tell you what’s happening.

    If I find out more, I’ll get back.


    I didn’t realise I hadn’t tried installing 2.11 and restarting without having run it first. So, I redownloaded the installer (just in case), installed it, did NOT run it and restarted first. Same crash.

    Also, that weird window I mentioned? I moved the crash window and I have realised what the window is; it is the splash screen that says Zynewave Podium on it, the vertical rectangle one. It had no texture in it, just typical frozen screen (whatever was on the screen when the window was formed, sticks there until the application, and subsequently its windows, are force-closed by Windows).

    Finally, I noticed that the .msi installer is around 2mb bigger. May mean nothing, but am saying it just in case it’s relevant.


    Unforunately I can confirm the behaviour described by druid. 2.11 doesn’t work for me either.


    Same here.


    Same here on a fresh install of 2.11.


    @druid wrote:

    So, if I install 2.11, it crashes. If I install 2.10 over the top, 2.10 crashes as well. I could try 2.09 and 2.08 etc over the top as well, if you were curious :P. But, if I remove it all, install 2.10 fresh, it works. I have not put back in my podium.ini at all since trying these things.

    Same thing happened to me when i installed V2.10 over V2.09.
    I had to remove V2.09 before i installed V2.10 to make it work properly.


    I got a crash on first run but since then it has worked fine though it keeps nagging me to resave my projects


    I have uploaded a “” with only the exe file and no installer. Please uninstall your previous 2.11, make a clean install of 2.10, and let me know if the Podium211.exe runs without crashing.

    I’ll investigate the problem. So far I have not had any crashes on my Vista machine.

    Are any of you that have the crash problem running Vista?
    Are there any who have successfully installed and run 2.11?

    Now, here’s something weird. I decided to reinstall 2.10. Usually I do not uninstall the previous version before installing the next (since it has worked before). This time, I did not uninstall 2.11, and installed 2.10 over the top.

    The installer only automatically removes the previous installation if the version number increases. So if you want to go back to older versions, I recommend you uninstall the newer version first.

    Finally, I noticed that the .msi installer is around 2mb bigger. May mean nothing, but am saying it just in case it’s relevant.

    That’s the updated guide pdf file, which I have created with a higher quality setting for the graphics.


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    …though it keeps nagging me to resave my projects

    Is that the “The ‘xxx’ project is using an older version of the Podium file format” message on project load, or the plugin crash message?


    Ok, so I’ve tried the .exe file. It didn’t work. I extracted it to my 2.10 installation folder, ran Podium211.exe, crash. Same thing. Ran the 2.10 .exe version, runs fine. So just the .exe download has the same problem.

    However, on a whim I right clicked the Podium211.exe, and went to the compatibilty page. And selected Windows 2000 mode. As expected, same problem. Same for Windows NT 5 or whatever it is mode. BUT! Windows 98 / ME, and Windows 95 compatibility modes DID work! 2.11 ran under those compatibility modes. Why on earth would this be?

    I might add I don’t really know what Windows does in the background for the “compatibility” modes, but it seems pretty weird to me!

    So… Could it be a reliance on something that Vista has that you didn’t take into account, that XP would not? This is merely conjecture; everyone makes mistakes but somehow I don’t think you did this. But it’s worth asking anyway!

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Are any of you that have the crash problem running Vista?

    The installer only automatically removes the previous installation if the version number increases.

    That’s the updated guide pdf file, which I have created with a higher quality setting for the graphics.

    First of all, I’m running Windows XP Professional.

    Ah that would explain the size of the file.

    Yes I know I should remove newer versions first. So it doesn’t even extract the older files, it just cancels installation if a newer version is present. That’s fair enough, that means only 2.11 was crashing for me.


    I use Windows xp with SP3 😀


    No problems here with installer or seperate EXE on Vista Business 32-bit.
    I can also run it in all compatibility modes – probably doesn’t say much, though.


    Don’t know if it helps but dependancywalker reports dwmapi.dll as missing. (XP x86 SP3)

    edit: rechecked it with other versions and the same message appears…but I’ve found out that this is a delay loaded dll that may produce problems if they are forced to load at startup…maybe this helps

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