Topic: 2.37

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  • #2365
    • The input bypass button has been changed to only disable monitoring instead of disabling recording. An audio input that is monitored through external hardware can thus be silenced in the Podium mixer during recording.
    • If a track is record armed and an audio input is assigned, the track meter shows the input level instead of the track output level.
    • The background of input meters are tinted with the record color.
    • The width of the meters in the mixer will resize according to the zoom setting.
    • Mouse wheel can be used to adjust gain, pan, send and parameter faders in the mixer. Holding the Shift key will fine adjust. Gain faders are adjusted in 1 dB steps, and 0.1 dB fine steps.
    • Ctrl+clicking a parameter fader in the mixer will set it to the default value.
    • Fix: The UI changes in Podium 2.36 had a bug that caused the project browser to not properly update the object list.
    • Fix: In an arrangement with changing time signatures, enabling snap in an editor would offset the highlighting of the bar line.
    • Fix: Enabling bounce mode did not set the meter on the bounce track.
    • Updated the “Parameter Automation” chapter in the Podium guide.

    Fantastic! The mousewheel behaviour in the mixer is just great.


    Things I noticed in the last few days:

    – Mono and multichannel side-chain mappings (or multi-mappings in general) seem to share instance numbers. Ex.: If there are both a mono SC #1 and a stereo SC #1, creating a new instance of stereo SC #1 names it stereo SC #3. Of course this only applies if the mappings were created from the same DLL.

    – Making a selection by Shift+clicking in the curve and sound editor doesn’t override snap like expected (by me, at least :wink:). If you hold Shift and then click somewhere, it still snaps the start/end of the selection to the grid. This works differently in the arrangement and note editors, where the selection begins exactly at the clicked position instead of snapping.

    – Shouldn’t the new project page/panel be able to have key focus? I was stumped after hitting enter to confirm the project name, the ‘create’ button pulsated and invited me to press it, but hitting enter again tried to open a project from the recent projects list instead.

    – When you move a fader and set it back to the original value in one action (not by right-click cancelling), it still creates an undo point, which is kind of a waste…?

    – I’ve had the f&%#ing (excuse me) overload problem happen again – with just one fade!!! And it seems it was dependent on the fade shape this time… Not only does this block the entire project sound, it also makes your computer slow to a crawl, and you can only hope you’re still able to deactivate arrangement power before something blows up… 🙁


    I also need to bump this:

    Hey, I just noticed that duplicating stuff with the Insert key now stops adding new copies as soon as you hit an already existing event.

    It previously continued to insert notes/sequences past already existing ones, and even filled in gaps between events, even it that meant the inserted one was cut short. I really, really liked the way this worked…

    The removal of this function has slowed me down quite a bit during working with quantized material… I can see it could cause problems now, when you duplicate many events at once, but it was always so useful for single ones. Pretty please? O:)


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    – Mono and multichannel side-chain mappings (or multi-mappings in general) seem to share instance numbers. Ex.: If there are both a mono SC #1 and a stereo SC #1, creating a new instance of stereo SC #1 names it stereo SC #3. Of course this only applies if the mappings were created from the same DLL.

    The mappings belonging to a single plugin instance are linked by the combination of the plugin file name and the instance number. Are you suggesting that the mapping names should read “#2”, even though the instance number in the properties is 3?

    – Making a selection by Shift+clicking in the curve and sound editor doesn’t override snap like expected (by me, at least :wink:). If you hold Shift and then click somewhere, it still snaps the start/end of the selection to the grid. This works differently in the arrangement and note editors, where the selection begins exactly at the clicked position instead of snapping.

    Fixed. Thanks.

    – Shouldn’t the new project page/panel be able to have key focus? I was stumped after hitting enter to confirm the project name, the ‘create’ button pulsated and invited me to press it, but hitting enter again tried to open a project from the recent projects list instead.

    Hmm, I guess that would mean the cursor keys should be able move the highlight focus between the buttons on the page, etc. I think the community rather prefer that I spend time on frequently requested features.

    – When you move a fader and set it back to the original value in one action (not by right-click cancelling), it still creates an undo point, which is kind of a waste…?

    The undo point is created when you start the drag operation. I would need to add code that checks the final value against the initial value, and if matching, step back in the undo history and remove the undo point. Perhaps later.

    – I’ve had the f&%#ing (excuse me) overload problem happen again – with just one fade!!! And it seems it was dependent on the fade shape this time… Not only does this block the entire project sound, it also makes your computer slow to a crawl, and you can only hope you’re still able to deactivate arrangement power before something blows up… 🙁

    I managed to reproduce and fix an overload problem that sounds like your description. The fix is available in 2.38 beta6. Please let me know if you still encounter this problem.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    When you move a fader and set it back to the original value in one action (not by right-click cancelling), it still creates an undo point, which is kind of a waste…?

    I like this behaviour.
    I can ‘enter current value’ at the edit position. Then, as any edit, have the option to undo.
    Thank-you thcilnnahoj for being observant. 😀

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