Infinitoar, thank you for your kind words earlier and glad I could help. I like to see all of us completely free to create, which has plenty to keep us busy, instead of having to spend too much time worrying about wires and little boxes!
Regarding that “other issue” you brought up, let me just say that I am a strong believer in second chances. Also, still being relatively new here and unaware of most forum members’ histories, I treat these encounters as a learning experience and they can be very informative and helpful — to a point. I’ve noted this one for future reference.
Be glad to assist again if I can. I’ve seen that, aside from Zynewave, I’ve noticed there are a couple of others here on this forum who have lots of experience and really know their “stuff.” This is excellent — someone always has a solution.
I’m looking forward to hearing more new music from you this year. So, best wishes and cheers!