Topic: A few feature requests

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  • #2088

    They’re more nitpicks than anything else, the new UI in 2.23 really improved the workflow tenfolds, but … 😉

    1. I’d really like a button to open a wav file in an external editor. Because podium does not have time stretching, I have to rely on stretching files this way. It’s just a button in the editor doing “waveeditor.exe %u” where the path to the wave editor can be configured in the settings.

    2. A shortcut to copy all externally referenced wave files to the project audio folder (my apologies if this already exists)

    3. (this one is not quite trivial I’m affraid) Change how spline automation curves are edited. I know that the way it’s implemented now makes a lot of sense code wise (you need to the point and the two directional derivatives to construct the bezier spline), but it’s quite clunky in practice. If I want to move a point up or down, I first need to move the two “derivative” handlers out of the way before I can get to the actual node. Working with these derivative handlers also feels unintuitive to me. I much prefer a system like the one in ext2 or FLstudio, where you have a tension handler halfway between two automation nodes. In FL studio right clicking on an automation node allows you to select various shapes for the bezier part: half cosine, exponential, etc. You can then finetune this with the tension handler.
    This makes it easier to construct sinelike automation, and allows direct access to the automation node, because the tension handler isn’t in the way.

    As it is now I find myself using linear automation most of the time, because spline automation is too clunky.

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