Topic: A few questions about Podium

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  • #2777

    I should probably start by saying that I don’t really NEED a new DAW. I have FLStudio (for throwing loops together & quickly getting ideas down), Reason (basically used a massive modular synth/sampler) and Reaper (my main DAW). However, for various reasons, I’m looking at replacing FLStudio in my setup and I’ve been quite impressed by the Podium demo. I’ve just got a couple of (probably stupid) questions:
    1 – is it possible to save track templates of (for instance) multi-out VSTis with all the routing done or can this only be done as song templates?
    2 – is it possible to launch audio in an external editor (ie Audacity) from within Podium?
    3 – what do more experienced users think are the main strengths of Podium? What does it do really well – ie stuff that might not be obvious from a quick look at the manual and a bit of time spent with the demo?
    4 – is the support/development active? A while back I bought Mackie Tracktion not long before it became blatantly obvious that they were no longer developing it (made worse because it was still very buggy) and I’ve no desire to repeat that experience.

    Thanks in advance for any help/advice you can provide.



    @splattimer wrote:

    1 – is it possible to save track templates of (for instance) multi-out VSTis with all the routing done or can this only be done as song templates?

    If you put all the tracks into a group track, you can save the group track as a template.

    2 – is it possible to launch audio in an external editor (ie Audacity) from within Podium?


    4 – is the support/development active? A while back I bought Mackie Tracktion not long before it became blatantly obvious that they were no longer developing it (made worse because it was still very buggy) and I’ve no desire to repeat that experience.

    Development continues, and I have no intention of stopping it. You can get a feel for how the development evolves, by checking the announcements in the Releases forum.


    Thanks for the reply. Still checking out the demo at the mo – but I do really like it.


    In fact I like it so much I just bought it. 😆

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