Topic: A very old automation bug

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  • #1342


    It has always been here and I really whish that it will be corrected some day.

    Reminder : when we start recording automation from a plugin UI, if we don’t draw empty automation events before, the curve jumps from the current value to default value before following the real one.
    I always have to correct the first second by hand.
    It happends with all the plugins I have tried (not only mine !).

    Yes, I know, I just have to create all the tracks for each parameters that I suppose that I will move and draw all the empty events before…

    But it would be nice to be able to press record and to record all what is done in the UI without having to retouch the begining of each curve after.

    Thanks in advance.


    This is not a bug. If the current behaviour is a nuisance I’ll consider changing it.

    The problem: If Podium does not set a value for the parameter at playback start, then until the playback cursor reaches the first point on the curve the parameter will have a random value, depending on what the parameter was set to when playback was last stopped.

    So is the best solution to:

    A/ Ignore updates of the parameter on the timeline until the first encountered curve sequence. (i.e. possible random parameter settings at playback start)

    B/ When the first curve sequence is created on a new automation track, a curve point is placed at the start of the sequence with the value of the first recorded automation value.


    Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean.
    You want to add points BEFORE the plugin send a value ?

    Why not start the automation curve with the value that is sent by the plugin ???

    When I record MIDI sequence, the first event is the one that I have sent. Why would it be different for automation ?

    Perhaps that it is not a bug, but I have not seen any other software that records other values that what it receives…


    So I take it you are in favour of solution A. My problem with this, is that when you start playback at any position before the first recorded curve point event, the value of the parameter is undefined. The parameter will have the value that you either edited in the plugin editor, or the automated value it was set to when last playback was stopped. By forcing the parameter to the defined default value at any point on the timeline where there are no curve sequences, playback will be consistent no matter where it is started.


    I think that we don’t speak about the same thing (or my english is worst than I thought !).

    I don’t speak about the values that must be sent BEFORE the recording starts, but about the values that ARE recorded and that doesn’t follow the knob movements at the begining.

    Look at this :

    In the first curve it must be a linear movement from 50 to 100.
    Result : it begins by 0, jumps very fast to the good value and starts to record the following ones, but after 1/4 of second it jumps to the min value (the knob too !) and I have to continue the gesture from the “new” value.

    The two other curves come from another plugin (RaySpace) which has a very slow GUI refresh rate. The values must have gone from top to bottom for the first one, and must have started about 80 for the second.
    Result : the two curves are wrong and I have to redraw them by hand.

    With plugins which have no GUI or when it is very simple, it is less annoying, because we get only the first jump from the default value to the current value (like at the begining of the first curve).

    Concerning which values must be sent between curve sequences, it is another storry.
    My preference, as I have told you one year or two, is to keep the last previous value in the same track, like with MIDI in standard sequencers.
    The best would have to have an option :
    – use default value
    – use last previous value on track
    – use current plugin value
    It is always the best when the user have the choice 😉


    Ok, I misunderstood your first post. The problem you pictured is probably related to the beginEdit/endEdit support of the plugin. We’ve discussed this before:

    With plugins which have no GUI or when it is very simple, it is less annoying, because we get only the first jump from the default value to the current value (like at the begining of the first curve).

    The Podium generic plugin editor implements the beginEdit/endEdit calls, so clicking and dragging a plugin control in the Podium editor does not result in erratic value jumps as long as the mouse is held down.

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