Topic: A very strange thing

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  • #1644

    It happends rarely and I have never been able to reproduce it.

    Sometimes Podium starts to play but no sound is produced.
    If I press the stop button it continues. If I press the power off it continues too !
    The only way to really stop it is to kill the task.
    When I open the same arrangement later it plays fine.

    I don’t know if there is some plugin involved, and I cannot send you the arrangements because they have worked normally after.
    I think it has happened 3 or 4 times during the last year (multiprocessor is not activated, no other application running together).
    Since it has happend today I post this message, but I don’t think that you could guess what it causes it…


    You’re right that this does not give me that many clues on how to reproduce the bug.

    When the error happens, does the UI freeze in any way? When you say that you need to kill the task, does that mean you can’t exit Podium normally?

    If I press the power off it continues too !

    That must mean that the power button remains lit, even if you try to disable it?


    When the error happens, does the UI freeze in any way?

    Not really : all the menus and buttons are working, but they have no action.

    When you say that you need to kill the task, does that mean you can’t exit Podium normally?


    That must mean that the power button remains lit, even if you try to disable it?

    No, the power button is alternately turned off and on when I click on it, it can be disabled, but Podium continues to play !

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