Topic: A wish regarding dual (or more) monitor usage.

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  • #324

    Would it be possible to implement that you’d be able to have the mixer in a separate window? As it is now, it rules that all editors (params, notes, vst guis etc) are floating windows, but it would be cool to be able to move the mixer outside of podium as well to have it on a secondary screen.



    You can sort of do that already. Open a second Project Browser window and place it on your second monitor. You’ll need to navigate into the arrangement on both windows. For the dedicated mixer window you could then choose to design your own mixer profile using e.g. two mixer regions and removing the tracks region.


    Ok, that rocks! and the argh was at myself πŸ™‚

    Just tried it out, and Γ­t works… like a charm.


    Hi Stefan this is Francois
    What is specially needed to manage 2 monitors on your computer(except 2 monitors of course)… πŸ˜†


    What is specially needed to manage 2 monitors on your computer(except 2 monitors of course)

    You’ll need a graphics card that has two monitor connectors. Either VGA or DVI connectors. If you’re using a laptop, then for most models you’ll be able to connect a monitor and use that as a dual screen. Once connected, Windows will handle the desktop arrangement on the dual screens.


    What about Win XP and 2 graphic cards , 1 AGP and 1 PCI


    What about Win XP and 2 graphic cards , 1 AGP and 1 PCI

    Don’t know if this will work.


    @francois wrote:

    What about Win XP and 2 graphic cards , 1 AGP and 1 PCI

    i’ve just upgraded to a dual monitor setup, it’s great! i have all my plugins opening on the second screen πŸ™‚

    i bought an older Matrox G450 dual-head video card – have a look on ebay and you might be able to buy one, or one similar to it. the beauty of this card is that it only takes ONE AGP slot, and the two monitor outputs come out of the same card 8)

    In terms of running an AGP and a PCI card in a dual setup, I think they’d both have to support something like TwinView from Nvidia (which most cards do I think, these days). If in doubt, read the manuals of both the cards.

    If you are buying cards, ask the salesperson at the PC shop if you can run the two cards together in a dual setup

    But the easiest think would be to track down a Matrox card. The one I got is built for business so doesn’t hog computer resources, although it probably wouldn’t handle games too well πŸ˜‰

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