Topic: Access violation when editing a parameter automation track

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  • #372

    First of all, I want to say how much this program kicks ass. I must’ve tried out about 20 different programs over the last few days, from the super expensive ones like Cubase and SAWStudio, to open source and freeware apps, and this one is better than all of them for what I need it for. As soon as the money is available, I can pretty much guarantee I’ll be buying it.

    Now, to the issue. I’ve encountered a problem that causes Podium to exit with an access volation. This problem occurs when attempting to use either the select tool or the rearrange tool, when editing a parameter automation track. The access violation does not occur until you click on the window using either the select tool or the rearrange tool. All the other tools behave as expected. Under normal circumstances, these tools work perfectly, but when you have a parameter automation track that is attached to a midi track, when the midi track is using a device mapping that does not actually have one of those parameters defined, when you open up one of these automation tracks, you get the access violations. Any automation track that has a matching parameter in the device mapping works, it’s just the unlinked ones as it were that cause the problem.

    If you need more info, or a better description, let me know.


    And upon actually looking around these forums, this should’ve gone in the releases forum. Sorry about that.


    Is it a midi imported file or a new arrengement ?In the case of a new arrengement it should not happen if you set the paramater track by double clicking the parameter in the list.Your midi track should be selected.
    Welcome to the club of the lucky users of Podium. πŸ˜€


    Hi Nemesis,

    Glad you like the program. I tried modifying the freebees project to get this ‘stray’ parameter object, but did not succeed in crashing Podium. It would be a great help if you could email me your project file and point out which track I need to click to cause the crash. It should be easy to fix this bug.



    I have tryed to reproduce the problem in removing the parameter mapping and then editing the curve , nothing happened , either a plugin parameter or a sound card parameter…


    The problem occurs when importing a midi file. I’ve emailed you with a very bare bones example of a project in which the problem occurs, and the midi file I imported to make it.


    Many thanks. I found the bug. Fix will be available in 1.22.


    …isn’t that service…




    πŸ˜€ Absolutely!

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