Topic: Anybody here use KarmaFX Synth Modular? (Need help)

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  • #700

    The latest version should save patches with song, like other synths. Need to confirm it’s working/not working in Podium. Strange, but for me it’s not working πŸ™

    edit: If anybody can help, here is the link:

    DL link (KarmaFX pack) is at the top of the index page.



    Anybody? DL size is a little more than 1 mb. Your test could be very helpful πŸ™„


    I can confirm that preset storage is not working. If I create a program library preset, then the resulting file appears to be too small to contain the actual preset. If I create a bank library preset, the file is bigger and appears to contain preset data. However upon reload of the plugin, I only managed to make it load the bank preset by selecting a program preset afterwards. I also somehow managed to crash the plugin by doing various bank preset assignments. I would like to keep focus on implementing offline bouncing, so I don’t have time currently to debug this plugin.


    Thanks for confirming this Frits.

    I would like to keep focus on implementing offline bouncing, so I don’t have time currently to debug this plugin.

    Seems that’s the problem of KarmaFX Synth, because “save patch with song” function is not working in Tracktion 1 also. I’ve made this thread only because KarmaFX developer needs any other confirmations to start fixing. Now I can share this link with him, and there’s no need for you to debug KarmaFX Synth right now.
    I wish you luck in implementing offline bounce, it will be great addition for all of us. Thanks for your help.


    Bugfixed version of KarmaFX Synth has released.

    Now patchsaving and fxp export working in Podium without any problems.

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