Topic: Anybody successfully using Waves Plugins?

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  • #299

    If someone out there has their Waves plugins running in Podium, can you give me a quick overview of where your waves plugins are stored, where the waves shell file is stored, and how you are successfully importing them into Podium? I can’t get Podium to recognize mine, keep getting an error when I attempt to import them as a plug-in.


    The error could be because you’re trying to import the Direct-X version of the plugins. When I ran the Diamond bundle demo installer, it created a Waves folder under ‘Program Files’ (containing the individual Direct-X plugin dlls) and a ‘Waveshell’ folder in my Vstplugins folder. You should import a file named something like ‘Waveshell-VST 5.0.dll’, which then will show a popup menu of all the Waves plugins in the bundle. Select one, and that selection will be remembered by Podium.

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