@Improv wrote:
Six months of broken promises from Steinberg to their Cubase 3 users. And all the corporate double speak that that entails.
For months I have been keeping Cubase SX2 and Podium installed on my hard drive trying to decide whether to upgrade
Cubase or totally go with Podium. That announcement did it for me-Cubase and the dongle get removed, Podium stays.
It is quite staggering. I have been reading the Steinberg threads as well. I read somewhere that Steinberg had a much smaller exhibit than Cakewalk at the AES show or possibly Summer NAMM (not sure) either way it appears Yamaha somehow are not that concerned with the very poor perception of Steinberg as a company and maybe are not really that bothered with a loss of customers.
This is something I simply do not understand. From my own experience with companies as big as Yamaha I am sure they would have looked at every possible way to get a return on their investment in Steinberg *before* they bought them.
Yamaha were working closely with Steinberg long before they bought them. So they had plenty of time to think it over.
Somehow though maybe because of the tiny size of the Steinberg ‘fish’ in the Yamaha Ocean, perhaps Yamaha as of yet are not really directly running the show. It certainly looks that way.
It is all very strange. Almost as if they simply don’t care. Puzzling. Even the largest companies with supposedly cast iron brand names can start to lose a significant amount of market share if they persist in ignoring obvious problems with their product and customer base.
Just a few words and a little bit of consistent communication about the removal of DX support and no SX3 final update would have avoided a huge PR mess for Yamaha and Steinberg.