Frits, I have a program that has track layers. So you can select 1 thru 8 on every track as optional takes. Track 1 layer 1 or track 1 layer 8. You can audition any of the eight layers and even cut and paste between them for one final track.
It might work like this, I have a guitar solo on track 8. I want to try again without creating a new track so I select track 8, layer 2 for the second take. I can do this 8 times on this track becasue all tracks have 8 layers.
When I used a Roland 2480 these were called virtual tracks. Each of the 24 tracks available on the Roland 2480 have 16 sub tracks, called virtual tracks. These are mainly for prinitng multiple takes without creating new tracks.
In Podium I just create new tracks each time I want to print a new take. Delete any tracks I am not using, or partial tracks I am not using.
Does this make sense?