Topic: Audio Clicks after using Scalpel

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  • #2142

    Just put some wave of a long low-frequency sine wave into a track, then use the scalpel tool to separate the wave into many slices. Clicks will appear because it 2 0-samples are inserted at the slicing position. Quite annoying 🙁


    If you want sample-precise slicing, then you need to use the “linear (sample rate)” time resolution option when you create the arrangement.

    When you use the bar/beat resolution the event time positions are stored with a resolution of 65536 units per bar. Depending on the tempo, that resolution does not match the sound samplerate, and so when you slice a sound event it may occur at a fraction of a single sample.


    Well, first of all, the user should not care about this. In other hosts, such as Cubase (and believe me, I’m not a big Cubase fan!), there is no such click when you cut at some position being in Bar/Beat resolution, so it shouldn’t be the case in Podium either, don’t you agree? 😀

    Also, even if internally your code uses a resolution 16Bit/Bar (which is more than enough anyway), and you get fractional sample positions resulting from it (and you don’t use any kind of interpolation, which is good by the way), you could still fill a possible one-sample or two-samples gap with an average value or ‘line’ between the last sample and next sample. Otherwise you’ll hear clicks and nobody wants that.


    You’re right. I can adjust the calculation of the sample start point, so that it is based on the starting point of the arrangement, instead of the sample position that is closest at the event start position. I may update that in the future.

    May I ask why you want to slice the event, if you want the sound to be continuous over the slice point? Normally when I work with sliced sound events, I add fade-in/out, in which case the one-sample gap is not a concern.


    because I tend to cut my beats into 1/16th notes. And in this case I had a bassdrum following another one the 1/16th note behind. I wanted the 2nd bassdrum to be extracted to copy it on some other place. As soon as I had sliced the beat I noticed a difference in sound. Ofcourse I could have merged the 2 parts back again at the slicing point after having copied my 2nd bassdrum somewhere else, but I think the sound should not change when you slice something anyway..

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