Topic: Audio interface outputs

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  • #556

    Hi Frits,

    I’ve already told you about this request / problem : to have the possibility to choose the physical output for each output channel.
    Since it was not possible, I have used for this a simple 26 x 26 matrice plugin, which worked well when I used ONE RME Multiface.
    It would be much better and simpler for me if it could be set inside Podium, but it was OK.

    But I use now TWO Multifaces, and the problem is that when I unselect some outputs in the audio setup, these outputs are muted but remain in the audio bus.
    For example, if I unselect the outputs 9 to 18 of the first interface, I can’t make 1 to 8 (first one) and 1 to 18 (second one) continuous.
    What I whish would be at least that Podium could chain only the selected outputs to make a bus.
    A free selection of the outputs will of course be better…

    Another problem is that I can’t access to the outputs 33 / 34 (15 / 16 of the second interface) since Podium “uses” the channels that are unselected and count them for the 32 channels maximum value, even if are only 16 activated.

    Is there a workaround for this problem ?
    Can you make something for the next build ??

    Thanks !


    Is there a workaround for this problem ?

    You mentioned that you have disabled 9-18 on the first interface, and enabled 1-18 on the second interface. Would it be possible to swap the two interfaces? That way the last channel you have enabled is 18 + 8, which can fit within the 32 bus channels.

    Can you make something for the next build ??

    Implementing a sort of channel matrix is a big task, and will disturb my plans for the next month. I fear you will have to wait a while for this.


    You mentioned that you have disabled 9-18 on the first interface, and enabled 1-18 on the second interface.

    Actually I can’t change this since the interface which appears the first come from the PCMCIA card, which the computer doesn’t support very well, and there are crackles on the outputs superior to 12… On the PCI one all the 16 are good. Perhaps do you know how to invert the order ? (in the Registry ???).
    In all cases I must jump the two SPDIF outputs which I dont’use (no converter).

    The other interest to have access to all the outputs is to store the output settings within the project, and don’t have to change the plugs to the speakers. This is very practical in concerts !…

    Implementing a sort of channel matrix is a big task, and will disturb my plans for the next month. I fear you will have to wait a while for this.

    Of course, I understand. This can wait.
    But will it be also complicated to only remove the outputs that are not selected from the bus ?
    What is the use of this selection if it doesn’t remove them ?


    Perhaps do you know how to invert the order ?

    I don’t know. You could try emailing RME support. They should be able to give a quick answer to this.

    But will it be also complicated to only remove the outputs that are not selected from the bus ?

    Yes, and I don’t think it is a good solution. Some users may have e.g. connected an effects device to SPDIF, and created mappings to those channel numbers. If the user then later on enables/disables some of the previous analog channels, he would want the SPDIF mappings to remain on the same physical channels.

    What is the use of this selection if it doesn’t remove them ?

    Unselecting audio interface channels will make Podium skip those channels in the engine, and thus saving CPU resources.


    Hmmm, so I really have to wait some months before using Podium…
    But I have no doubt than ONE DAY all will be possible !
    Thanks for your support.



    I’ve asked to RME if it will be a possibility to hide some channels (the SPDIF) in order to have access in Podium to the last four outputs of my second Multiface (outputs 33 to 36).

    Here is the answer from CHris Ludwig :

    Sounds like the folks who make Podium need to work on how their software
    addresses audio I/O. Most any software I’ve seen can freely assign I/O.
    It is something that the software developer will have to work on not the
    hardware folks.


    So, if you have the time one day…
    A simple hidding function like in EnergyXT will be enough to start with, but of course a standard selection will be better for everybody πŸ™‚ .

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