Topic: Auto save

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  • #1824
    Mike G


    Just lost some audio this weekend.
    Was recording a load of data, didn’t do as much saving as I normally would becuase was recording some kids writing a song and was all v busy and hectic.

    Wouldn’t you know it, I got a crash!! And lost quite a few takes šŸ˜³


    1 – Do audio files go somewhere that I could recover them?

    2 – At some point in future could we have an “Enabled Autosave” option? Obviously it would only do auto saving when you were not playing or recording to avoid audio dropouts etc.
    For example is it easy to detect “Idle” time i.e. When podium isn’t being clicked on for > 1 sec and use that as the trigger the autosave.

    Mike G


    @Mike G wrote:

    Wouldn’t you know it, I got a crash!! And lost quite a few takes šŸ˜³

    Any idea as to what caused the crash?

    1 – Do audio files go somewhere that I could recover them?

    No. The podium cache folder (as set in preferences) holds raw sound data that Podium flushes from memory, but much of your recordings could still be in memory only.

    2 – At some point in future could we have an “Enabled Autosave” option? Obviously it would only do auto saving when you were not playing or recording to avoid audio dropouts etc.
    For example is it easy to detect “Idle” time i.e. When podium isn’t being clicked on for > 1 sec and use that as the trigger the autosave.

    Autosave is on the future plan.

    Mike G

    Any idea as to what caused the crash?

    No not really, had quite a few plug ins loaded but all my usual stuff.

    Autosave is on the future plan.

    Great news.

    Mike G

    Mike G

    Had another crash.

    Not lost as much work this time as I’m saving lots at the moment.

    But just for your info…

    I had all audio tracks (no midi)

    Only plug-ins loaded were zPEQ and zReverb (a few instances of both) and also eraticCM, free drum machine from computer music.
    There was no midi data on this drum track but the plug-in was loaded.

    Not sure when the crash happened, all I had been doing was audio recording. We had been recording for > 1 hour and had been making freqent “Save all changes”.

    I think the crash happened when I started loop recording a small section of an existing audio track but I’m not sure what I was clicking at the exact time of the crash. (Must remember to screen shot next time!)

    Is there anything I can do to help find the cause of the crash?

    I have windows error reporting switched off, will turning it on and getting memory dumps help?

    Mike G


    were you using more than one instance of eraticCM? de la mancha uses synthedit to make his plugins and i know that using more than one instance of synthedit plugins on multiprocessor systems can cause crashes.


    @ Frits

    Clearly you have much to do elsewhere with Podium but I have also lost data because I could not anticipate a crash coming.

    Hopefully some sort of Auto save will arrive sooner rather than later. It’s a strange feature in a way. One can already save as many times as needed but the timeframe between the last save made and the next crash could contain many valuable ideas, tweaks and careful micro changes that could be totally lost. šŸ™

    I was very frustrated after the last crash I had with RMX. For some reason Podium just cannot keep running if I tweak any RMX controls. Similar to the issue I had before but this time Podium goes down (crashes) Pretty much every time.

    It is a problem having to be so focused on saving instead of creating. It is a major distraction. If Podium does the save for me automatically then I can just get on with making music. The way it should be.

    Podium of course cannot be held responsible for every crash (plugins can be far from perfect) but autosaving at least helps save what is there *before a potential crash*.


    RMX performed an illegal operation just before the last crash I had.

    What exactly does this mean or what series of actions could RMX have done to cause the crash? Thanks.

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