I’m contemplating getting one of those tiny little plastic boards with a few knobs on it to add live control of a few effects, but I wasn’t sure if Podium could even be persuaded to work with one of them.
Now, Podium doesn’t support assigning parameters or CC’s to MIDI devices by itself, but as long as a plug-in has its own MIDI learn it shouldn’t be a problem, I thought. I didn’t find information about it in the Guide, though it may well be in there somewhere.
After fumbling about a little I figured out how to achieve this. It’s really quite obvious when you know it… Still, I’ll write it down, in case somebody wonders about the same thing in the future.
In some other sequencers, MIDI messages flow upwards from the receiving track to effects in the chain. That’s different in Podium, but thanks to its concept, it’s still a piece of cake:
Select the effect track in the rack panel, go to the inputs list (F5) and simply assign the right MIDI channel to this track. After that you can use the plug-in’s MIDI learn function or just use the CC’s it’s programmed to understand. Until Podium gets its own MIDI learn. 😉