Topic: automation

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  • #600

    Hi Frits,
    I was automating a synth the other day and I noticed that the curve edit mesure only goes up to 100. Most synths have 127, I just thought it might be better if the mesure went up to 127 because then what you see in the curve edit value will reflect whats going on in the synth. Maybe you could add an otpion were you could change this value, what do you think ❓ .


    If the parameter was a plugin parameter, then the value should go from 0.00 to 1.00. Is that what you mean? If the parameter was a MIDI parameter then the value by default goes from 0 to 127. You can change this in the properties of the parameter, by adjusting the value range settings.


    It was a parameter for a plugin synth, a vst parameter. So can I change the value from 00 1.00 to 00 1.27. If so could you give me a quick walk through of how to do this.

    many thanks



    Enter the properties dialog for the parameter. If it is a plugin parameter, the value range should be set to 0..0. This means that the internal floating point resolution of the VST parameter is used. If you change the range settings to an integer range such as 0..127, then Podium will convert the internal floating point range of the VST paramter to this integer value range when writing parameter values in the curve editor and on the mixer sliders etc.

    This will only work if you are certain that the VST parameter in the plugin editor is actually using the range 0..127. The normal floating point resolution of VST parameters has a much higher resolution. The 0.00 to 1.00 range that Podium displays is a rounded value.

    Also note that when the value is written as 0.00 to 1.00, this represents the full value range for the parameter. Changing this to a range of 0..127 will not increase the range.


    Thanks fo that 🙂 . I just wanted a way of displaying the range that comes up when I edit the actual synth (0-127). Ive done what you said and changed it in the properties but I just put 0-127 instead of 0.00 1.27, will this work O.K.


    just put 0-127 instead of 0.00 1.27, will this work O.K.

    Yes. You can only enter integer numbers for the value range, so 1.27 is a no go.


    Thanks again 😀


    @stu wrote:

    Thanks fo that 🙂 . I just wanted a way of displaying the range that comes up when I edit the actual synth (0-127). Ive done what you said and changed it in the properties but I just put 0-127 instead of 0.00 1.27, will this work O.K.

    what vst-parameter is it exactly that you wanted to automate? 🙂

    Are there really vst-plugins with parameters which have 7bit resolution?

    – Wouldn’t this actually contradict the vst-specs? 😕


    Are there really vst-plugins with parameters which have 7bit resolution?

    If you have a VST parameter that is used to select e.g. 5 different filter types, then the values stored in the plugin and sent to the host would typically be 0.00, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 1.00. The plugin would of course accept values from the host in the entire 0.0 .. 1.0 range and just round to the nearest valid value. In this case, defining the parameter in Podium as having a value range of 0 .. 4 would make it easier to read and set the quantized value, thus avoiding an infinite resolution value dial.


    ah I see – thanks for clarifying, Frits! 😀

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