Topic: Avast says the x86 main file Podium.exe is a rare file.

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  • #36478

    After replacing my HD and installing windows 10 Home (build 1803), I downloaded from my Zynwave account the installer for Podium 3.3, which is an msi file, Pdium installed fine, but when I tried to open it from the desktop icon, I get this from Avast (Avast did not detect the file is infected, but,,,,,):-

    ‘This file maybe dangerous’


    This file has been submitted for interrogation, at the Avast virus lab. We are currently analyzing the file and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

    And any attempt to try to run the program again, results in repeated slide ups from the Avast notifications.

    Even if I clicked on “I trust this file” Avast will not let it run until Avast has replied.

    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by usalabs.
    • This topic was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by usalabs.

    I sincerely hope this is a case of a false positive. Did you run Avast with Podium on your previous Windows installation?

    It would be interesting to know if you get the same error if you install the previous 3.2.7 version.

    I have never had malware/virus on my development PC, and I check all Podium releases with Microsofts Windows Defender antivirus. For the 3.3.0 release I added code that uses a Windows feature for writing a .dmp file if Podium crashes. Perhaps that system call is triggering this warning, but there are a lot of apps that use that crash reporting feature.

    Please report here if you get an answer from Avast.


    I don’t remember any notices from Avast when I was using 3.2.7 otherwise I would have contacted support about it.

    I just recently did a test and found it is 3.3 that’s triggering Avast,,, I used revo uninstaller to completely remove Podium 3.3, and re-installed 3.2.7, and it ran with no problems from Avast, but when I again used revo uninstaller and completely removed 3.2.7 and re-installed 3.3 I got that warning from Avast.. For some reason there is no log entry for this warning in the Avast logs.

    When I did a manual scan on podium.exe Avast found nothing wrong, and malwarebytes found nothing, Windows defender found nothing, and several online scanners found nothing, but for some unknown reason, Avast was triggered, not because a virus or malware but something else.

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