Topic: Behavior when deleting segment of MIDI

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  • #30159
    Paul DeRocco

    When I delete, say, one bar out of an arrangement that has a MIDI track, what it does with MIDI events that overlap or cross the deleted area seems wrong to me. If I have a note that starts before the deletion and lasts until after the deletion, it ends up truncated at the deletion point. If I have a note that starts during the deletion and extends into the area after the deletion, it disappears. If I have a control that changes during the deletion, that control value is lost.

    Is this working as designed? Or is there a setting somewhere that makes this work more the way one would expect it work (that is, more comparable to audio)? Basically, all MIDI events occurring during the deletion should be compressed into zero time, and then certain things should be removed: notes that start and end during the deletion, and all but the last value of a control or parameter.

    When I start recording a sequence, I need to do some setup, so I allow for one bar in which I have my keyboard report the program number and control settings. I’d like to be able, after the fact, to eliminate this extra bar, and have all these settings appear at time zero.

    Also, if I make a mistake on the first take, it would be nice simply to be able to repeat a bar, and then go back afterwards and delete the offending bar.

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