Topic: Bouncing Midi

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  • #30091
    Noah Haggerty

    When I attempt to bounce a midi track, the results always end up with nothing. it looks like what would come up if you bounced a midi track with nothing on it. it was working at first, but then it stopped and I don’t know how to fix it.


    check the following things:

    – if a plugin is assigned to the track; [I know, it’s a stupid check but…]
    – if the “x” button near the plugin source/name is yellow (means the plugin is disabled); [As above]
    – if the Offline Render Bouncing is enabled (use this and not Realtime Record Bouncing);
    – if the bounce track is interrupted/broken. Right click on the bounce slot and select Hide Track Lane. Delete all audio segments. Bounce the track again.

    If this doesn’t help you, post a picture of your sequencer with the involved track or provide more information about plugin you’re using, audio interface, and so on…

    Noah Haggerty
    Noah Haggerty

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    When I try to bounce:
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic


    I might be missing something in your pic but it looks like the midi isn’t being inputed into a plugin and the if there was a plugin it has been disabled. Midi isn’t sound, it is instructions of notes, durations and such needed to make the sound, so it needs a plugin to take the midi and turn it into sound which is what bounce files record.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 7 months ago by daid13.
    Noah Haggerty

    where can I get a good plugin?


    You could start here:

    Free plugins to use in Podium

    though it’s a little out dated and some of the links don’t work any more.
    Alternatively there is good ol’ kvr:

    There are tons of very good free instruments and effects out there these days.

    Noah Haggerty

    Thank you so much!

    Noah Haggerty

    I have downloaded a plugin, how do I get it into podium?


    Basic Podium configuration

    1) Audio/MIDI and VST Setup
    Setup -> Audio/MIDI;
    In the Audio tab select your driver, your interface and two input channels and two output channels (stereo in/stereo out);
    Setup -> Preferences
    In the Plugins tab add your VST folder(s)

    2) Build the plugin database only once with Rebuild and load plugin database on the Create New Project page. This command creates a global database can be used in all projects. At this point, for all new projects, just select Load plugin database. In this way, you’ll use always the plugin in the global database you have created.
    If for some project you need to add more plugins, you can use Import plugin… or Import plugin for folder… from the Devices menu in the Project Start Page. The new plugin will only be added to that project and not to the main database.
    If you need to heavily modify the global database by adding dozens of new plug-ins, you should rebuild it again with Rebuild and load plugin database. If you maintain the old database folders structure, the old projects will be able to find the new plugins when you select Load plugin database.
    I suggest you to create a database folders structure in your VST folder(s), something like this:


    3) Insert a plugin instrument in the Source slot of the MIDI track and select your MIDI keyboard from Input slot.

    That’s all. Now the plugin should be able to play the MIDI sequence in the track and also you should be able to play in real-time with your MIDI keyboard.


    With good sources of plugins I use the stuff from DSKmusic a lot. Most of others I use are on the list Kingtubby suggest or are samplers.

    Noah Haggerty

    when i enter rebuild plugin database, it doesn’t recognize DSK and skips over it


    Probably I suggested 32bit plugins when you’re running 64bit podium which aren’t directly compatible with each other.

    Noah Haggerty

    It worked! Thank you to all of you!!

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