Topic: Bouncing multiple tracks?

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  • #29838

    Sorry if this is an obvious question, but is it possible to bounce more than one track at once?

    Specifically a VST that sends multiple outs from a MIDI pattern, so I have Drumazon MIDI pattern set up on a track, the source says #1 MIDI 10, then I make the 4 extra tracks to take the outputs (an audio output track for Kick, Snare, Hi Hat, Ride & Crash), and these tracks have various VST FX running. Is it possible for me to bounce these? If I bounce any of the individual audio output trarcks, they show as silence, and the the same of the MIDI pattern track.

    Not sure if I am missing something simple here! Im the past to do this I seperated the MIDI pattern, and then run multiple instances of my drum machine to get the seperate channels to bounce, but would be much quicker if I could this without editing the drum pattern.


    You need to enable “Automatic Solo” on your MIDI track, either in the “Options” sub-menu of the track context menu, or by pressing Shift+Alt+S with the track selected. When you bounce a track, it is effectively soloed until the rendering operation finishes – this mutes your MIDI track as well, which is why Drumazon never receives any note events to play and in turn outputs silence. Automatic solo sets the track to solo mode whenever another track (such as the ones with Drumazon’s audio outputs) is soloed.

    There is currently no way to select multiple tracks, and thus unfortunately no way to bounce more than one track at once. This is assuming you need each output bounced separately.

    If you want to bounce the entire drums section sub-mix, you can wrap your output tracks in a group track. This way you can also apply effects and automation to the entire drum mix, should you want it.

    Here’s a screenshot of my usual Drumazon setup (MIDI track, drum group track with fader/meter enabled, and individual outputs):

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by thcilnnahoj.

    There’s also this video on setting up and bouncing multi-output instruments, perhaps it’ll help:

    (Sorry, forum won’t allow me to edit the above post anymore.)


    Thanks, working perfectly for me now 🙂

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