Topic: Bug recording midi output

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  • #2354

    Podium doesn’t record the midi output of plugins since the first beat. You can test it with Nithonat demo, just turn on Int Seq, turn off int sync and host mode, hear it (there is a BD in the first step) and then record it.


    Tested it, and it appears that Podium calculates the MIDI notes received from the plugin to be a little earlier than on the beat. That causes the first notes to be dropped, because the notes are interpreted as having been played before the recording starts. I don’t know if it is Podium that calculates the note position incorrectly. I’ll verify that at some other time.

    For now, you can record the repeated loop, and then crop the sequence to the start of the second cycle.


    Yes, that’s what I’m doing. Anyway I tested recording Nithonat midi out in other host and I didn’t have that problem, so I think it should be from Podium.

    Best regards

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