Topic: Buss question

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  • #25386
    sam c

    Hey folks, I’ve been away a long time. After messing around with Podium last night I remember how much I like it and I am going to start using it again.

    My question, when I am sending ten tracks to a bus, and the bus is being used as a submix, how do I keep the individual ten tracks from going to the master out and submix bus? In other words, I don’t want any of the ten tracks of audio going to the master out, only to the submix.

    Thanks for any help!

    • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by sam c.

    If you don’t want any direct signal going through to the master, you could skip using send/returns, and instead just place the ten tracks in a group track. What effects you currently have on your bus return track would go on the group track.

    If you still want the send/return mappings, you should move the track fader up above the send fader by using the track context menu -> Fader -> Set Fader After Sends. After that you can set the track gain to off.

    sam c

    Thanks for the reply. I’m not at the computer now but, what is the best method of the two so a buss is set up as a submix. I want a submix that is pre master an separate busses for fx. All tracks and busses go to the submix and only the submix sends audio to the master.

    Thank you!


    From your description, I’m not sure what you mean by submix. Do you just want one submix track, or several submix tracks? If you just want one, I can’t see what you want to achieve by inserting a separate submix group track. You can enable multiple gain faders on the master track, if you want to control gain both before and after the master effects.

    sam c

    Fritz, I want all of my audio and buss tracks to go to a submix. The master should only get audio from the submix.

    So no matter how many tracks and busses I use one buss needs to be second to last in chain, behind the master audio, and I am calling this buss a submix. Only the submix receives audio from tracks and busses. The master only receives audio from the submix.

    Hope I made that clear?


    Sorry, it’s still not clear to me. I’m curious as to why you wan’t to route all your normal and bus return tracks to a single submix track? If the only purpose of the submix track is to route the audio to the master track, and no other tracks are going to the master track, then why not go straight to the master?

    I’m close to logging off for today, and I’ll be travelling to visit family tomorrow, so it may be a couple of days before I can reply again.

    sam c

    Fritz, I must be explaining poorly. Most recording musicians use a mix bus or a 2 bus, right? That is all I am trying to do.

    Some programs actually label busses separately, aux and sub mix. Sub Mix receives all audio and sends it to the master out.

    Does that help?



    Hi sam c,
    Frits’ suggestion to move the track’s fader is a good one. It allows maximum attenuation of a track’s output while not effecting levels on sends.

    Nesting a send track within a return track will not work. It’s not a feedback loop but Podium marks the object in red.

    Alternate to the right-click menu, on tracks, you can control fader & meter positions in the mixer.

    I hope this helps 🙂


    Faders and busses

    In this example, I’ve added faders to every fx slot on the track labelled “10 tracks”!
    Right-click fx slot > Effect Track Properties > check “Output Gain” and/or “Output Panning”; this creates a fader after the selected fx slot.
    From bottom to top (signal flow) of “10 tracks”:

    • zPEQ with post fader.
    • zReverb with post fader.
    • Send level to Send bus 2.
    • Send bus 2.
    • Fader; post Send bus 2 – uneffected by Send level to Send bus 2.
    • Send level to Send bus 1.
    • Send bus 1.
    • Fader; post Send bus 1 – uneffected by Send level to Send bus 1.
    • This is reflected in “10 tracks” mixer grid:
      10 tracks' mixer grid

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Levendis. Reason: Additional information

    I reconfigured “10 tracks” slightly:

    This routing means;

    • Send bus 2 receives zPEQ’s output.
    • Send bus 1 receives zPEQ and zReverb’s output.
    • “10 tracks” has maximum attenuation at its output.
    sam c

    Thanks Levendis.

    I am surprised we don’t have aux busses and sub mix busses that can be added with a click of the mouse. Routing to a sub mix would be automatic, all tracks and aux busses are routed to the sub mix and the sub mix to the master outs. Routing to a aux buss is required as needed for fx use. Once you get used to that you become a bit, well, used to it.

    I will skip this step with Podium and try all tracks to the master and skip the mix buss and 2 buss.



    Yea, the setup is open ended, with Podium straight out of the box. This, I presume, is so the user can configure it to particular studio setups.

    May I recommend establishing Project Templates?! These store the Device List and Arrangement objects. Make an arrangement with the proforma bus configuration you prefer, then save it:
    Project > Project Templates > Save Project as Template…
    File is stored in:
    … > My Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Project Templates by default.

    Alternatively, you can save Track Templates:
    Right-click track header > Templates > Save track as template…
    File is stored in:
    … > My Documents > Zynewave Podium > Library > Track Templates by default.
    This command allows you to access either:

    • the input, source and effects chain from a saved track template.
    • the input, source and effects chain as well as timeline objects, from a saved track template.
    • Lastly, when you create a Send bus, Podium asks if you’d like to create a corresponding Return track (Aux track) directly before the Master.

    sam c

    Thanks Levindis. If I get back into Podium I will create templates again. I have been gone so long I have forgotten more than I remember (think I purchased in 2006). I am trying to decide if I want to use Podium as a regular workstation again. I appreciate your help!


    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by sam c.
    • This reply was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by sam c.

    Wholly glad to offer a refresher,

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