Topic: Can’t buy Podium due to "illegal email"! :(

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  • #1319

    I just tried to buy Podium but I can’t continue my order because I use my Gmail address. This is the only email address I ever use. In fact I haven’t got a clue what my “real” address is, or how to configure Thunderbird/Outlook to use it…
    I really want to buy Podium but before I get the “right” email fixed I can’t… 🙁


    Alternatively you can purchase with PayPal. If you have a PayPal account, send me an email stating your PayPal email address and the country you live in. I can then send you an invoice from my PayPal account.


    Thanks. I think I can order if I choose bank transfer. It’ll take a couple of extra days but what the heck. 🙂
    I’ll give it a go.


    The bank transfer seems to quite confusing to me. I’m making a PayPal account as I’m writing this. I’ll get back to you as soon as everything is ready. 🙂


    This was a mild hassle for me when I bought Podium too. It wasn’t enough to dissuade me, but I can understand customers being turned off by it.


    He’s so long now I can barely remember how I purchased Podium. 🙂 I think it was through share it. In any case Paypal really does seem to be the quickest and easiest way to buy and sell software IMO. 😉


    Hiya there, I just had the same problem. Funny thing is, I bought several VSTis over Share-it with my same e-mail-address before.

    Additionally I have to say the customer support of share-it is unrivalled in unfriendlyness. I wanted to sell my z3ta+ license a year ago. Now the developer, why ever, refuses to take part in ANY sellings of his licenses (but does allow it). He stated share-it would handle this. And after 7-8 e-mails it turned out they didn’t…. Quite ridiculous were the last e-mails, kind of “we have other things to do why do you write”.
    Well I did what the developer of zeta+ had said 🙄

    I would prefer paypal as official purchase option by far. You get more spams this way (“please type your password in and re-authorize” and stuff like this), but well, this is how a part of the internet is, and you can really easy see which mails are faked and which are from paypal 🙂

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