Topic: changing interfaces

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  • #1374

    Okay, it’s been mentioned before but I can’t seem to find it on the WIKI. I’m trying to change my I/O interface (my firewire device is really annoying me) but I can’t figure out how to do it. Frits mentioned changing the project manually but I’m unclear as to how to go about doing that. If anyone has a link within the WIKI or can (kinda) walk me through this, I’d be grateful.



    This is currently not described in the wiki.

    You should be able to use your old audio output mappings, unless your new interface is using a different channel number for the main stereo output. The name of the audio output object will probably include a text that refers to your old interface, but you can freely rename the object to something more sensible.


    Thanks Frits!

    I, for some reason, tried this before and it didn’t work. And now it does. The only thing that changed was the reassurance of your posting that it should change! Very comforting…


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