Topic: Clip based recording ?

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  • #1876


    Unless I’m wrong, it seems that the recording is more ‘track’ based than ‘clip’ based. If I record something at measure 4, then record something from mesure 1, it will overwrite the previous sample if I happen to record for too long. Is there a recording mode so that both clips can exist on the same track ?

    As a Tracktion user, I find this behaviour quite scary :).



    Two suggestions:

    In your example, you can enable punch-out and set the punch out at bar 4, to avoid recording over the clip starting at bar 4.

    Alternatively you can enable multi-take recording. By default this is enabled only when loop-recording, but you can enable it for regular recording too: Set the “when starting recording” option on the play/record page in preferences.


    Thanks for the answer. Indeed these are possible. But in my case, I feel that would be problematic.

    Let’s take an example. I want to record a bass line, bar per bar.

    So first I record bar one. Everything’s fine.

    Now I want to record bar two. For every ‘real’ instruments, the attack won’t begin exactly at bar 2, but slightly before, so if I use punch in at bar 2, the attack will be cut. But if I set the punch in slightly before bar 2, I will cut the ending of the first recording.

    What I would have done is record bar 1, bar 2, then create a crossfade between the two so that the attack of bar 2 is mixed with the ending of bar 1. But I don’t know how to do that with Podium as it won’t let me record ‘over’ the previous samples.

    Everyone is making recordings like that so I guess there’s something I must be missing.

    Thanks for your help,


    Scratch the suggestion with punch in/out then. You need to use the multi-take or comping feature. There is some info on this in the guide:

    Info on crossfades:

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