Topic: Compact tracks and crash

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  • #1485

    I have a group track inside a group track and a low level track. The lowest level track has a send bus. The gain is disabled on the track and activated on the send bus. The track lane is hidden, the send lane is visible. If I click on the lowest level track, it is highlighted. If I click on one of the group track headers, I get the windows message that Podium must close. This does not happen in the “non compact” mode.

    edit: I have multiple low level tracks in the second tier group with configuration described above. If I select the last track, it will also crash.

    edit: Okay, if I “un hide” the track lane associated with the send, the crash will not occur.


    Confirmed. I’ll fix this for the next release. Thanks.


    Thanks for the quick response Mr. Nielsen.

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