Topic: Computer shuts down when I close Podium

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  • #26715

    This just started today, but every time I close the Podium window, my computer begins to shut down. I was using 3.2.3 and upgraded to 3.2.4 and had the same problem. I also updated my ASIO4ALL driver in case that was causing it, but it didn’t help. Any idea what is going on?


    Ok I actually fixed it (or so it seems). I deleted WarmVerb and Eventide Ultrachannel from the plugins list. Earlier in the project I tried to load WarmVerb and got an error message saying that it caused an error to occur and that it may have corrupted the project. I deleted UltraChannel because I downloaded it yesterday and thought it may have something to do with the crash, but I tried doing a similar thing but without deleting WarmVerb and it still crashed, suggesting the problem is with WarmVerb.


    Are you using Windows 8 x64?

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