Topic: Congratulations Zynewave!

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  • #24441

    Hi Frits,

    I realized things moved on and refreshed my links to Zynewave! πŸ˜‰ I am glad I did!
    Congratulations on the new website! Surely it is modern and up-to-date! Very nice!
    I wish you all the best and many many many visitors!



    Thanks, and thanks for being the first to test the new forum πŸ™‚


    Congratulations !!! waiting for updates Podium πŸ™‚ …

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by sobaka.
    The Telenator

    Nice to see this one officially up and running! Had a hunch when the other shut down. Everything seems to be running so well, too. Say, shouldn’t there be some sort of announcement at the old address? I’m wondering what the passerby or very infrequent visitor may come away thinking.

    Wow, I’ve attained the status of PARTICIPANT. This forum’s a charm. Best wishes! Cheers! –Tele


    Impressive and AWESOME! Congrats!


    Hi all,

    Since we are at the new webpage discussion, there is a little bit of an bug, or maybe it is a feature…
    In order to post a reply on this thread for instance, it is not enough to login from the menu, but it is needed to login again (second time) from the “+” sign, right before trying to post…

    sample of the forum bug

    Anyway, still trying to adjust my ageing computer to the new webdesign! πŸ™‚

    • This reply was modified 11 years, 7 months ago by adimatis.

    In order to post a reply on this thread for instance, it is not enough to login from the menu, but it is needed to login again (second time) from the β€œ+” sign, right before trying to post…

    Tried three different browsers, but can’t see any bug. If you use the browser back button to go back to this topic, after visiting the account/login page, you need to refresh the page.


    Thanks, no worries, it is an issue only on the ancient now Internet Explorer 8. Chrome seems to handle it right.

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