Topic: copying a track or sequence to a different project

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  • #37903

    Hi all,
    I have a sequence in a track in one project that I’d like to insert into another project.
    Have tried clipboard and track templates but no luck. Anyone know how to do this?


    Do you mean just the midi sequence? If so, in the sequence editor window go to “file” (upper left) and “export sequence to midi file” then re-use to your hearts content 🙂


    thanks for that solution. It works well for a pattern of notes in a sequence. But how would you do the same for a sequence that is a pattern for an automated parameter? (as these don’t transfer across as midi files as far as I can tell – in this case I’m automating a pitch effect but I guess it could be volume, pan, etc)


    After a bit more fiddling around I can answer my own follow-up question now… you can import a midi sequence for an automated parameter, as long as it goes into a suitable place in your track in the new project (i.e. a similar effect automation) – hope that makes sense!
    Thanks for the midi export/ import suggestion – v useful.


    hope that makes sense!

    yep, makes perfect sense. Actually, I’ve been pondering for a while about a feature request to do with automation curves. I think it’d be a great addition if you could save any curves to a dedicated folder which could be opened from the browser. You could have a basic library of useful shapes which could be inserted/copied then perhaps have the ability to alter the amplitude and time-stretch. Maybe even have little preview images in the browser a bit like they have in Bitwig. Obviously, automation curves are often created in real time during recording which is a separate thing really, but for reusable, repetitive shapes it could be a great help.
    Anyway, just putting it out there 🙂 Hope you’re reading this Frits!

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