Topic: CPU issue?

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  • #2038

    a. my specs

    intel core 2 duo 2.66ghz
    maudio profire 610
    128 buffer/44.1k

    podium demo 2.21
    various vst/vsti’s (doesn’t seem to matter specifically)
    also, this is podium specific, these problems are not happening on cubase (various versions 4 thru 5)

    b. I’m getting cpu fluctuation wildly. This seems to be linked to two things
    1. The time-out volume. This is fine since buying the very well priced product should eliminate this issue
    2. LOOPING. At the beginning of the loop the cpu essentially doubles.
    3. Vsti loading. There seems to be allot of cpu spiking when loading vsti’s.

    Are these problems related to the demo restrictions?
    Is there a multicore switch I should be implementing?

    Also, any tips/tricks for cpu spiking/inconsistency will be appreciated.


    @eyeknow wrote:

    Are these problems related to the demo restrictions?


    Is there a multicore switch I should be implementing?

    Check the “plugin multiprocessing” option in preferences. Also try disabling the option as a test.

    Also, any tips/tricks for cpu spiking/inconsistency will be appreciated.

    Try stepping up the buffer size to 256/512, and see if this improves it. Many plugins do some extra processing the first time they are started, so that can explain why you see spikes when inserting new plugin instances.


    Is there a multicore switch I should be implementing?

    Check the “plugin multiprocessing” option in preferences. Also try disabling the option as a test.

    Sorry I didn’t notice this.

    For whatever reason, it likes the off position better.


    @eyeknow wrote:

    For whatever reason, it likes the off position better.

    Some plugins can have problems when multiple instances of the plugin are running in multiprocessing. If you are using multiple instances of a plugin, try replacing this to see if the spikes with the “multiprocessing” option enabled goes away.

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