Topic: CPU spikes

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  • #5145

    I held ctrl+alt leftmousebutton and then I moved the mouse in order to zoom out.. The zoom-out was very fast and then the program crashed

    I couldn’t reproduce the crash here, so it could be something related to the contents of your arrangement. If you are able to reproduce the crash frequently, then email me the project file.


    Just Wanted to add somthing to do with spikes. It seems that certain plugins conflict in podium. For example I was using Dasample glassverb and NWEQ. It was glassverb that caused the spike when I added it, it did’nt do it sraight away, it was after the plugin appeard to stop producing sound (I used it for a one shot sound in my production). So, my tune is playing along smoothly, then when the sound with glassverb is triggerd everything is still fine, until the sound dies down and that is when it occurs. This did’nt happen when I turned NWEQ off. Its not a case of not enough cpu because I had plenty left, but bothe of these plugins do use alot of cpu.



    Stu 😳


    It was glassverb that caused the spike when I added it, it did’nt do it sraight away, it was after the plugin appeard to stop producing sound

    Are your PC running a Pentium 4 processor? This could be the dreaded denormalization issue. This can occur when sound dies out and the plugin thus need to process increasingly smaller numbers. Most plugins have been coded to reduce this problem, but often there will be a slight variance in CPU usage when the sound goes silent.


    I tried to find a reason for the spike.. I use Glaceverb, too. But my spikes occur even when there is no “action”… It’s very hard to work with these spikes. When I try to record a longer track, there is always one drop out in it, which makes the track worth to be deleted.. 😥

    Today I recorded a song with a friend of mine, and I had to change to Cubase, because he was not that patient that I was. If I even knew what’s the reason for that. Frits? Any further ideas?? It’s definitely nothing to do with “The Grand” or “Sampletank”, because I temporarily deactivated them.

    Higher latency didn’t solve the problem either.. This problem doesn’t exist with Cubase or other hosts.. I’m clueless!! ❗

    EDIT: I know that this won’t be possible for the next few months, but offline bouncing would hinder these spikes to become part of my “bounced tracks”.. That would be very nice.. 😀


    I’m currently revising the CPU detection mechanism.


    Thanks!! Hope you’ll find a solution… 🙄

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