Topic: Crackles on pressing play when using many midi outputs

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  • #2346

    I’m using a Moto MIDI Express with 8 midi outputs. All outputs are enabled in Podium controlling my hardware devices, no midi clock is sent. When I press play Podium sends some midi messages (all notes off, cc default values?) to all the enabled outputs one after another and this results in a crackling noise on start playing. The driver report of Podium shows one or more buffer underruns. When I disable all midi outputs or just use one or two of them all is running fine.

    Is there a way to disable the midi messages sent to the outputs on play?


    Podium sends the “all notes off”, “reset all controllers” and “all sound off” control change messages to each MIDI channel. That’s 8 ports * 16 channels * 9 bytes = 1152 bytes. Quite a lot when the MIDI transmission speed is about 3K bytes per second. The MIDI server operates at a high priority, so that can explain why it is stealing time from the audio driver. I could optimize this, so that only the channels that are actually used on the tracks will be reset.

    Can you get rid of the crackles by increasing the ASIO buffer size?


    No, still crackles with a buffer size of 1024 or 2048. Usually I use a buffer of 256.


    Try the new 2.36 beta7. The reset messages are now only sent to MIDI channels that previously have received MIDI messages.


    Thanks! Works great so far. Let’s see what happens when I use some of the external MIDI devices at the same time. Maybe there is a need for an option to disable those messages completely.

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