Topic: DDMF LP10 eq troubles

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  • #1672

    I’ve recently purchased the DDMF eq’s (IIEQ Pro, LP10) and all works fine with IIEQ Pro, but with LP10, I get a MAJOR performance hit. The cpu usage goes up to 95-100 with just ONE instance of the plugin. I’ve tried it with Reaper just to see if it’s the plugin that’s this demanding, but it isn’t. It only uses 3-4% there, which is a HUGE difference I think.
    Could you please look into this? Thanks in advance.



    I tried the LP10 demo, and can confirm that Podium reports a high CPU usage. However if you open up the task manager you’ll see that the CPU usage is actually only a few percent. The Podium CPU indicator shows the percentage of time spent in the plugin processing, and not the actual CPU usage. If the plugin is programmed so that it needs to wait for some system resources to be available, it will not use CPU while waiting, but it will still block the audio processing and thus consume much of the time that is available before ASIO buffers will underflow.

    Reaper is probably reporting the actual CPU usage of the plugin, but I suspect the plugin is behaving similarly. If you try to add extra plugins to push the CPU usage upwards in Reaper, I’m guessing you will notice overload long before you reach 100%. Please let me know if this is not the case.

    It will be difficult for me to debug this. Maybe you could contact DDMF. They may have some prior experience with this issue.


    Correction. I just had a closer look at the LP10 pdf manual:

    “Audio buffer settings: while not creating an unusually high average CPU load, the LP10 performs computationally expensive calculations a few times per second. If the audio buffer in your host program is set to a too small value, this can lead to stuttering/glitches. In that case, please readjust the size of the audio buffer.”

    So that is why you see the large CPU number in Podium. Podium reports the CPU spikes that occurs during these “expensive calculations”. Perhaps the Reaper CPU indication is less sensitive to these spikes. Indeed, changing my ASIO buffer from e.g. 256 to 512 will halve the reported CPU usage.



    thank you for this very fast response, don’t know if there’s any other place where the support is this good 🙂
    I’ve also read the manual, but of course I don’t know Podium as well as you do and I expected 2 hosts to behave in a similar way. Thanks for the explanation, at least I know what’s going on. And it’s a mastering eq; I won’t use it in a mix, so no real problems there.


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