@PV_INC wrote:
The reason why the others do it that way is because its the simplest implementation. You see a rectangle, you double click or draw inside of it, the note is placed inside of it. Simple — What-you-see-is-what-you-get.
Agreed. Some sort of option to change the behaviour would be very welcome. It does seem quite strange in its current form but an option to change it solves that problem IMO.
@H-man wrote:
Could be included as an option if there were enough requests for it. There are quite a few of these ‘options’ in Podium born from differing opinions.
Yep. 8) I think this is one of those issues that requires one. It really is at times the only way to please as many users as possible. It also provides a nice level of flexibility as well.
@PV_INC wrote:
Well, its weird to me.
Cubase, Sonar, Live, Fruity Loops, EnergyXT, REAPER, and Protools all put notes in the same way. Its Podium that puts the notes in funny.
Before you say “well, whats wrong with being different”
The reason why the others do it that way is because its the simplest implementation. You see a rectangle, you double click or draw inside of it, the note is placed inside of it. Simple — What-you-see-is-what-you-get.
Was kind of expecting that reply. It seems those hosts putting the notes in the spaces have somewhat blurred the concept of time snap already.
I’m trying to explain it a bit better, to make clear what we would loose if podium did it all like other hosts. But maybe we can find a solution to please all, once again. 😉
And now, bear with me:
If you record notes and then do a time quantize (which only moves the start of the notes to multiples of the snap value, without duration quantize), the notes get snapped to the next quantize point, to the right or to the left, whichever is next. Thats completely logical. Why apply another logic for mouse input? – That was my point
But I understand where that “drawing into spaces” thing comes from. It’s that simple grid where time snap is completely linked with duration quantize and where the grid just looks like it’s made for drawing notes of the quantize value only.
Many ppl are not even aware that a timing only quantize exists, they just call it quantize whenever they quantize timing and durations in one go.
That’s a serious limitation, which podium partly shares, because of the way the snap feature looks and works.
Some hosts even always do a combined time/duration quantize.
Hosts offering seperate time quantize, seperate duration quantize and the “combined in one go” flavour allow much more flexibilty. Podium calls the time quantize “Quantize Start” and the regular duration quantize “Set duration” and it has an additional duration quantize, which shortens or lengthens the end of the note to the next snap value.
So, fortunately pure time snap is possible in podium, but it would become much more clear and obvious if we had the choice for the snap to either affect only the timings or do a duration quantize aswell, when putting in notes with the mouse.
With a grid set to time snap only, it could behave like now*, while with time+duration snap it could work with the grid spaces (but only for mouse input, please). That would make the difference between time snap and time+duration snap more clear.
*Would even have an added advantage of having a time snap grid different from the current note input value (quick buttons). Like, placing dotted quarter notes on a 1/16 grid with rests inbetween, as I always wanted and mentioned a couple of times.
So, how is that? Acceptable?
I’ve added an “editor mouse snap mode” combobox setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “closest grid line” and “start of grid unit under cursor”. Coming in release 2.10.
Well done Frits 😀
@Zynewave wrote:
I’ve added an “editor mouse snap mode” combobox setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “closest grid line” and “start of grid unit under cursor”. Coming in release 2.10.
Glad, the “closest grid line” snap remains in podium. 🙂
Would that approach make the independent time snap grid possible too?
The one where we could just pick a time snap grid and place any note value on it?
This thread is yet another example of why Frits is one of the greatest software developers on planet.
@Zynewave wrote:
I’ve added an “editor mouse snap mode” combobox setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “closest grid line” and “start of grid unit under cursor”. Coming in release 2.10.
Thanks! 8)
@Pigini wrote:
@Zynewave wrote:
I’ve added an “editor mouse snap mode” combobox setting to the Preferences dialog. Options are “closest grid line” and “start of grid unit under cursor”. Coming in release 2.10.
Glad, the “closest grid line” snap remains in podium. 🙂
Would that approach make the independent time snap grid possible too?
The one where we could just pick a time snap grid and place any note value on it?
I don’t plan to implement the independent snap and duration settings this time round. I’m just finishing off some minor things on the piano roll, and then I’m going back to the stuff I was working on before the piano roll update. There’ll be another round of piano roll updates later on, when some of the other urgent feature requests have been dealt with.