Topic: Drag and Drop to/from Libraries

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  • #1248

    I don’t mean to make wishes before actually working enough with the application, it’s just that Podium seems to be an ideal host for such additional functionality because of its hierarchical object orientated principles, therefore I couldn’t resist writing.

    Maybe I’m suggesting something, which has been discussed before or is there already and I haven’t noticed, but I’m new to Podium and have not read all of the Forum or Guide (yet) so please forgive me in case I bore you with that.

    1. Here is the idea for selected content (midi-events/audio data):

    Given the possibilty of dragging selected events of all kinds to/from folders in the list view and thereby saving those midi/wav-bits and pieces for later use as parts, Podium could deliver a variety of new and efficient workflows.

    Just looked at the to-do list:

    Auto-scroll when doing a drag action across the edge of the display area.

    Therefore the drag and drop to Library would either need to be optional or coupled with a pressed key.


    Library – Folder-Object in the List-View, Properties:global(saved in dedicated folder)/or local (saved with the project)

    There could go SubFolders for arranging different libs, like




    Favourite Fader-Curves





      4 Bars Intro1…

    (those are just examples, possibilities are huge, if you do it with audio-tracks instead of midi, you get yourself a wav-pattern-collection in no time, building construction kits of all kind)

    Later on there could be a Lib-Container class for events saved with multi-selections(on the same or on different tracks), which is draggable too and holds the sub-objects (single selections).

    By that it would be possible to import/export Patterns consisting of multiple track data by drag and drop.
    Single selections could be copied or moved from and to Multi-Containers.
    There could be a sign showing if it is a multi-selection on the same track or on different tracks.

    It could be the rebirth of pattern oriented song design plus much more in a hierarchical object oriented host, just much easier to use than it ever was before.

    Record some Keyboard noodling, just as crappy as it might be, it’s only a rough sketch. Just work on the bits you like, export them and construct a clean song by dragging them to different tracks, order the parts around as you like.

    Instead of drag and drop it could be an option in the context menu ->export selected content to library (or have both options), and of course the libraries should only be references to files on disk and not reside in RAM, or there could be an option in the context menu for the libs -> load to ram, and if its loaded unload from ram.

    2. Selection Mask Libs Single/Multi Selections

    By saved selection I mean the selection mask (e.g. all d2, c3 and e4 on one track), not the selected content itself. It’s more like a saved “selection filter setting”.

    pianoroll context menu “export selection mask as preset”
    maybe with advanced options (filter settings in the export window)
    e.g. midi channel selector(1-16 multiple possible)

    select some midi events in a track

    -> context menu: export selection mask to library with additional options:

      midi channel selector(1-16 multiple possible),

      all – selects all events in the track which are like the ones selected (that would be the same as selecting them on the piano roll),

      range – saves the selection as range
      sub-option: save start timing yes/no
      sub-options under yes: song/part (takes start timing position into account relative to position in part or song).

    Variant 2.2. with multiple selections



    1. Here is the idea for selected content (midi-events/audio data):

    Given the possibilty of dragging selected events of all kinds to/from folders in the list view and thereby saving those midi/wav-bits and pieces for later use as parts, Podium could deliver a variety of new and efficient workflows.

    Just looked at the to-do list:
    Auto-scroll when doing a drag action across the edge of the display area.

    Therefore the drag and drop to Library would either need to be optional or coupled with a pressed key.


    Library – Folder-Object in the List-View, Properties:global(saved in dedicated folder)/or local (saved with the project)

    I like this idea. Seems to be something no other host has yet. Pretty powerful.. 🙂


    The “export stuff” to an external library is probably something I’ll look at in the distant future, but currently there are a lot of items that have a higher priority.


    The “export stuff” to an external library is probably something I’ll look at in the distant future, but currently there are a lot of items that have a higher priority.

    Take your time, there is so much on your list already.
    But then again 😕 … Maybe I should not have called it “export to library”, it only sounds like a nice but “nonessential” feature.

    The option to save selected midi events as a small midi-file would be enough for a start.
    Drag and drop or one point in the selection context menu, either would do.
    Importing midi files as parts (sequence events) is possible already, even with drag and drop, meaning half the work involved for a “songeditor” is already done.:wink:

    On second thought:
    It doesn’t even have to be an actual selection for the export.
    It could be just a selected sequencer event, readily cut with the scalpel tool. That way it would be exactly the reversed process of importing midi files as sequence events into tracks. Would that minimize the work involved?

    I got a bit carried away when thinking about the perspectives. That might have put too large a scope on it.

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