I did find the “Export file” menu item in the “old standard browser” but that was for saving project files, so I’m not sure how to use that.
It will save as a .pod file but only the sub-branch of the project that you have browsed into. So if you export a “drumkit.pod” file, you can import (i.e. Ctrl+I and not Ctrl+O) this file into other projects.
In other words I can create drumkits within drumkits ad infinitum, or so it seems. Which is sort of mind-boggling…
You can, but I don’t think you can find a practical use for this. The only use for the drumkit preset option is to determine whether note sequences should be edited with the piano roll or drum map editor.
@Zynewave wrote:
I did find the “Export file” menu item in the “old standard browser” but that was for saving project files, so I’m not sure how to use that.
It will save as a .pod file but only the sub-branch of the project that you have browsed into. So if you export a “drumkit.pod” file, you can import (i.e. Ctrl+I and not Ctrl+O) this file into other projects.
Ok thanks! That’s good. I have some questions concerning the project manager but I think I’ll bring them up in separate thread.
@Zynewave wrote:
In other words I can create drumkits within drumkits ad infinitum, or so it seems. Which is sort of mind-boggling…
You can, but I don’t think you can find a practical use for this. The only use for the drumkit preset option is to determine whether note sequences should be edited with the piano roll or drum map editor.
Well I wrote that more or less half-jokingly… couldn’t let it be. 8)
@soundquist wrote:
Hello Conquistador!
Thanks for your drum-map tutorial!
Happy to help…Frits assisted me with his suggestions as well π
Now, as for the drum-maps, the way I understand it from your conversations in the drum-map and 1.75-thread, there is at the moment no practically useful way of saving and re-using drum-maps in other projects?
I am 99% certain Frits will refine the process that he suggested in the 1.75 thread at some point. His suggestion does allow a drum kit to be used in another project but I seriously doubt Frits will leave the current process ‘as is’ permanently. It clearly is not the best way possible, but it does work. π
Anyway, thanks for the tutorial, which gave a newbie like me the impulse to dive a little deeper.
Well I just thought I would do something to help Frits by providing more detailed info for new and existing users as I had not made any contribution to the WIKI before this tutorial. π
@Zynewave wrote:
1. There is a need to refresh certain views before a drum map appears within Podium.
I’ve now added code that will check all open editors and select the proper editor profile when a drum-kit preset is assigned to a track.
Sorry I almost missed this…thanks! π
I was gonna post a whole new thread but it looks like I already started this thread 2 years ago π³
It really is hell getting old … Anyways …
I did read through the tutorial from Conquistador (thanks!!) – sadly, I’m still confused π
Today I read in this thread that there was a new feature added in 1.75 regarding adding a “Create Drum Kit Template” command to the preset panel menu.
I’ll try it out tonight and see if that helps with my confusion
If not – I’ll be back π
@pj geerlings wrote:
Today I read in this thread that there was a new feature added in 1.75 regarding adding a “Create Drum Kit Template” command to the preset panel menu.
I’ll try it out tonight and see if that helps with my confusion
If not – I’ll be back π
Hi pj π
Were you able to solve the problem?
@Conquistador wrote:
@pj geerlings wrote:
Today I read in this thread that there was a new feature added in 1.75 regarding adding a “Create Drum Kit Template” command to the preset panel menu.
I’ll try it out tonight and see if that helps with my confusion
If not – I’ll be back π
pjHi pj π
Were you able to solve the problem?
Sadly, no π
I spent a very tiny amount of time on it this past weekend ( though I really should work through your tutorial instead of just reading it 8) )
I actually own RMX but I haven’t installed it yet – and I probably won’t ’cause I just ordered Steven Slate Drums LE 3.0 – damn, I’m pretty flakey π
Maybe I need to start with an existing Drum Map and modify but I can’t seem to find any existing Drum Map templates in the release …
@pj geerlings wrote:
Sadly, no π
I spent a very tiny amount of time on it this past weekend ( though I really should work through your tutorial instead of just reading it 8)
Maybe yes. π I think I will update it after 2.10 is released. Nothing major but new images and better structure (table of contents e.t.c) that might make it easier to read. But it will not reduce the steps that much.
I actually own RMX but I haven’t installed it yet – and I probably won’t ’cause I just ordered Steven Slate Drums LE 3.0 – damn, I’m pretty flakey π
Oh….you may want to have a look at 1.7…it is causing a massive stir on KVR.
Of course if you have not installed it maybe you do not really need it. π Maybe sell it and use the money for something else you really need. But If you are not sure please watch these videos first.
I would definitely start with this one. π
Maybe I need to start with an existing Drum Map and modify but I can’t seem to find any existing Drum Map templates in the release …
Might be an idea. Frits are you happy to ship Podium with drum map templates? We could all chip in with templates of drum VSTi’s, RMX, BFD, Superior D2, Addictive drums e.t.c if you are happy to allow it. Unless there is some copyright issue, permission from the devs needed?
FWIW RMX 1.7 seems to be working very well in Podium so far. Super Slick.
@Conquistador wrote:
Frits are you happy to ship Podium with drum map templates? We could all chip in with templates of drum VSTi’s, RMX, BFD, Superior D2, Addictive drums e.t.c if you are happy to allow it. Unless there is some copyright issue, permission from the devs needed?
Don’t waste time on that yet. I’m going to revise the drum map editor in the near future. My thoughts so far are:
Add a new “Create drum kit template” command to the preset menu. Once a drum kit preset exists for a device, a “Drum Kit Preset” submenu will appear below the current “Preset” submenu in the track menu. This will allow assignment of drum kit presets separately from the normal preset assignment. This means it is no longer necessary to convert the normal presets into drum kit presets in order to get to the drum map editor. You can just assign any drum kit template preset to a track to get the drum map editor, without worrying that it will override the patch preset assignment. The “drum kit preset” submenu will have commands for e.g. extracting drum key names from plugins which support this feature.
@Zynewave wrote:
Don’t waste time on that yet. I’m going to revise the drum map editor in the near future. My thoughts so far are:
Add a new “Create drum kit template” command to the preset menu. Once a drum kit preset exists for a device, a “Drum Kit Preset” submenu will appear below the current “Preset” submenu in the track menu. This will allow assignment of drum kit presets separately from the normal preset assignment. This means it is no longer necessary to convert the normal presets into drum kit presets in order to get to the drum map editor. You can just assign any drum kit template preset to a track to get the drum map editor, without worrying that it will override the patch preset assignment.
Ok thanks. π Sounds like a good idea. Less steps to completing the process.
The “drum kit preset” submenu will have commands for e.g. extracting drum key names from plugins which support this feature.
This sounds like a way to avoid editing the drum map in the list view to remove excess notes.
If I understand this correctly in RMX for instance could I use this to extract Kick, Snare, Hihat note names from the plugin so only those note names will appear in a drum map?
Having read your comments it seems better for me to wait until the drum map changes arrive before updating the Wiki drum map tutorial, that way it can be 100% up to date with the new features. It would be great to have an updated drum map process in Podium with a fully updated Wiki guide as well, looking forward to it. π
I would say something as “two step drums mode”:
Step 1: Select “Use as drum track”
Step 2: Configure the grid with right click menu
Double click in a drum preset for rename it. I love fast workflows π
Note: The extra options as extracting drum key names could be in the Drum map region properties or in another submenu.
Best regards
LiquidProj3ct, Conquistador & (of course) Frits
I really appreciate your participation here! -and- I’ll happily wait for the “Create Drum Kit Template” Feature – sounds absolutely great!!
In the meantime I guess I’ll give RMX 1.7 a look-see π