Hello everybody,
I’d like to proposal an improved drums editor, where you don’t need manually create a preset and edit the darkest corner of Podium. It works in the same way that arrangement view. You can use + button to add new drums, delete them with DEL key, solo and mute them (with master solo and mute too) and you have a volume multiplier (the knob). The volume multiplier basically multiply the velocity of each event with a value between 0-1, so you could easily adjust the volume of each drum. The last parameter is the pitch. You can drag it up and down to change the pitch of the midi note. This pitch will be send to the plugin loaded in the drum track, usually each pitch is a drum sound in any drumsynth or drum sampler.
Right click on + button could open templates of drums where you can load/save your templates of drum lines for each plugin you need. O few for each plugin. You could load the names of each row if the plugin supports it.
I hope you like it π