Topic: Enveloppes shift bug

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  • #1433

    Hi Frits, can you really look at this old bug ?
    It makes me crazy at last !

    I have downloaded it, and will look at it after the release of 1.64.

    As I have to glue automation events together as a workaround to the impossibility to make it longer from the left edge
    the result is that most of the time I have to copy the enveloppes points from the current envelope, create a new one, paste the points and place this new envelope at the good place….

    The bug is 100 % reproducible in this case, try it yourself.
    Here is a view of three tracks :

    – on the first one is a very simple envelope event
    – on the second one, the same event has been cloned from the first one and an empty one is placed before
    – on the third the two events are merged : as a result, the previous envelope point is shifted to the right

    Thanks !


    I’ve fixed a bug that probably is the cause for your problem. When merging curve sequences, the resulting curve sequence was not set to use the time resolution of the arrangement. Meaning that when you work with samplerate time resolution arrangements, the merged curve sequence was stored using the default musical time resolution, causing a stretch of the curve.


    Thanks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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