Hi Frits, can you really look at this old bug ?
It makes me crazy at last !
I have downloaded it, and will look at it after the release of 1.64.
As I have to glue automation events together as a workaround to the impossibility to make it longer from the left edge
the result is that most of the time I have to copy the enveloppes points from the current envelope, create a new one, paste the points and place this new envelope at the good place….
The bug is 100 % reproducible in this case, try it yourself.
Here is a view of three tracks :

– on the first one is a very simple envelope event
– on the second one, the same event has been cloned from the first one and an empty one is placed before
– on the third the two events are merged : as a result, the previous envelope point is shifted to the right
Thanks !