Topic: Export audio from bar X to bar X only….?

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  • #2719


    Recorded 15 takes of a song live and it’s only the 12’th take that I’m going to export to audiofile but I canät figure out how. I only get a realy big file thats includes all takes.

    How? Have tested to set markers but it will not work.




    first off, do you want to export just this one take or render a whole song (with other instruments as well) to an audio file?

    In the first case, your best option is to select the take (the audio sequence), open it in the sound editor, and select File -> Export to Sound File… from the menu. If you used Podium’s loop recording for the takes, each take should be in a separate audio sequence.

    Let me know if this helps!



    I just want to render one specific take.
    It contains a lot of audiotracks with some effects and some miditracks (vst-I) as well recorded live.



    Hi blafot, I think what you mean…you talk when you just want a piece of song or sound which is in the midle of the entair proyect, (like if you wan to make a sample for example) right? and finally don´t get a track with silence before and after the piece you want which finally has the duration of the entire Project.
    That annoying me a lot for a long long time…and finally after I’ve been Reading a lot, here in the forum, I get the solution…here is:

    1) Adjust Punch in and punch out where you want or need in time line
    2) On the track header you want, right click and select Bounce > Enable Real-Time Record Bouncing
    3) On the same track header , right click and select Bounce > Arm Bounce Recording (Ctrl+B)
    4) On the trasport , enable Record mode and then start Play to rec
    5) The bounce-recorded audio will be drawn in realtime on top of the track, when you stop rec, you ‘ll notice that what you’ve been recorder suddenly desappears, don’t know why, but you don´t be scared, the piece of track is there, press again Rec button to see it again
    6) When you’re done, use the “move bounced audio to new track” command.

    And that’s it, after do that, you will get the piece of sound you were looking for and you can save it… “only this piece”

    P.S: sorry for my english

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 5 months ago by kolylla.
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