Everything has worked nice for ages for me with Podium 2.40, and then this problem came from out of nowhere.
I thought at first that It had to do something with the program, so I replaced 2.40 with 2.42, without solution.
Picture and audiosample provided to help clear this thing out.
I’ve put the level of the left channel plugin to the max, just so I could hear it. Both channels normalized in Cool Edit.
See the thing here is that both of the channels should sound like the right channel sounds. But as you can hear that’s not the case at all.
I’ve noticed that the problem seems to be with input 1. It doesn’t seem to “give” as much input as the input 2 does. So I think the problem might be with my soundcard.
My signal path is as follows:
Guitar -> Phonic MM1202 -> M-Audio Audiophile 2496 -> Podium
If the problem is in the soundcard, I have no idea what to do. Nothing has changed from the days everything worked absolutely fine.
Edit: I investigated further and made a little recording with a different signal path:
Guitar -> POD XT (thru USB) -> Podium.
It seems that when I send only the clean signal, the output is what it should be. So it really seems that there’s something wrong with either my mixer or the soundcard…
Another problem I’m having is something I’ve experienced with Cubase as well; when I import a soundfile to the project it plays ridiculosly loud.
If I open the same file in Cool Edit, it plays like it should. But when I import it to Podium, it gets like 12dB boost or so. Why?
And is there something I can do about it?