Topic: File list, highlighting of MIDI files

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  • #829

    Hi Frit’s,

    As usual you have probably already thought of this, but I’ll ask anyway…

    Is there a way of highlighting a MIDI file in the list window and having it highlighted in the Arrangement at the same time.
    I’m working with a lot of seperate 1 bar/2 bar MIDI files imported from the File list and its getting a bit hard to see which one is which.

    If this is not possible at the moment, any plans to implement this sometime. 🙂


    Technophobia 8)


    Unlike with sound objects, when you have imported a MIDI file into a Podium project there is no link to the original file. So it cannot highlight the original MIDI file in the filelist panel.


    Ah! I see.

    However, if the MIDI file in the List Browser is then dragged to a track doesn’t that create a link from the List to the Arrangement ❓

    If that is not the case at present, could it be in a future development ❓

    Technophobia 8)


    However, if the MIDI file in the List Browser is then dragged to a track doesn’t that create a link from the List to the Arrangement?

    No. The MIDI file gets imported as a sequence of notes, all contained within the Podium project file. Sound objects are linked to their external file because the wave data are not embedded in the project file.

    If that is not the case at present, could it be in a future development

    It could be, but that’s a long way down the road.


    That’s Ok

    If you could just add it to your list that’s as long as both your arms, then that will do me… 😆

    Thanks for replies Frit’s

    Technophobia 8)

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