Topic: Format Region

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  • #2595

    An arrangement with linear as opposed to musical time resolution negates the use of a format region for tempo events. Sadly this region also carries scale events (a handy helper when moving notes around).

    Could we have the linear arrangement accept tempo events (with settings for tempo and time signature greyed out)?





    Not to answer to that, as I do not know, but actually to ask: what are the differences between the two and when do you need using one or the other?


    Hi Adimatis,
    The only difference is that an arrangement with a linear timeline doesn’t have Tempo and Time Signature controls. You’ll only see the minute:sec format on the timeline; no beats:bar display. Therefore snapping occurs only to align to events and edit cursor.

    A linear timeline is useful when you’re working on audio with shifting timing. Bands naturally play at varying speeds or may do so to match sections of a song.

    Something to bear in mind is that many vsts have some parameters locked to the host tempo. Without one set, the plugin might set those to a default like 120bpm, or another value non-commensurate with your project.


    Thanks, interesting, I’ve never used the linear timeline. But I see the use of it.


    Even in linear timeline mode you can use the tempo events. 😉
    To add the first tempo event do the following:

      – Creates a MIDI sequence with some notes.

      – In the piano roll, with all notes selected, right click and choose “Find matching scale”, click on “Custom”.

      – Double click on the tempo event “Custom” that you’ve just created. The “Time Event Properties” window will appear.

      – Uncheck the box of scale (or keep it if you need it) and check the box of tempo, then set a value for the bpm.

    Now you can add more “tempo events” by simply copying the first and changing the value of bpm. Tempo events have no effect on clips (audio and MIDI).

    I’ve tried using a vst effect (delay) and seems to work.

    Let me know …


    @MLS wrote:

    Even in linear timeline mode you can use the tempo events. 😉
    I’ve tried using a vst effect (delay) and seems to work.
    Let me know …

    Thank you MLS :D/

    That works exactly as you describe. Time variables in plugins sync to tempo changes. Yay!

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